Basic Info


Plutonian Ringbone


7 ft / 213.36 cm




Space, science, observing, movies, music, cuddling with Cherry, art, the film “Alien”


Area 51, excessive violence, yelling, being forced to go or stay somewhere, being stared at


Chaotic Good

Design Notes

She has 3 breasts not 2, she has an extra row of razor sharp teeth, her mouth is wider than that of a human, her eyes sort of glow, and her ring is NOT detachable and it’s ALWAYS around her head



Name Misha
Called Misha
Age 25
Gender Female
Role Leader
Alignment CG
Theme Boss

Misha is one of the kindest and most patient creatures you will ever meet. Despite her species (Uncommon Ringbone) being known to be violent, irritable hunters, Misha set herself apart by being a species ambassador when they reach a new planet, helping to form alliances. 


  • Girls
  • Exploring
  • Sugar
  • Animals


  • War
  • Boys 
  • Swearing
  • Bras


Born on Mercury and a member of an alien species known as Mercurian Ringbones, Misha is a 6.7 foot female with pink hair and a lot of attitude. Her species has some traits that are different that humans, like abnormally coloured skin, various numbers of eyes, and rings orbiting different parts of their bodies based on rarity. When she arrived on Earth at the age of 19 earth years, she met a human girl named Cherry. The other pink haired girl offered her a place to stay while she was completing the alien integration program, so Misha agreed. In the program she met another ringed alien named Bodhi, and quickly befriended them. After a few years, she started falling in love with Cherry and asked her out, receiving a whole-hearted yes from her. The two are now a very happy couple and live together in an apartment by the beach in California where Cherry pursues her music career. 


Despite being such a hardass, Harley struggled very hard with her self image growing up. She still does to this day. In grade school, when all her friends were talking about what boys they had crushes on, all she could think about was what it would feel like to hold another girl’s hand. The older she got, the more...r-rated her desires for other girls became, and she beat herself up for it. Born into a homophobic, Christian family, she was taught from a young age that boys went with girls and girls with boys. Not girls with girls. That was sinful. She wrestled with internalized homophobia and self-loathing, all throughout high school, until at a Kegger another girl kissed her while drunk. That kiss truly awoke something inside of her, and she knew that boys were never meant for her. At the end of her grade 12 year, she came out as a lesbian. 


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Cherry  [ Partner ]

Misha’s monagamous partner, Cherry is a pink-haired human girl who had been interested in aliens before meeting Misha, but ended up falling in love with her.   


Cham   [ Friend ]

Once human, Chameleon (aka Cham) became a Gammagrone during a radiation experiment gone wrong. He and Misha bonded over looking different from the humans and are now quite close. 


Bodhi  [ Friend ]

An object-head (alien) from Saturn, Bodhi and Misha ended up in a program to help integrate extra-terrestrials into human life. The two got along pretty well and became good friends. 

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