


4 years, 5 months ago


I shall quell this bodies power, for others.

The Human Soul Bound by Fae Body
Alexander Klim
Male (He/Him)
Straight (Taken)
Probably? 32
7ft 3in
Fae Wendigo
Gentle, Loyal, Innocent
Butterflies, Lily of the Valley, Poetry


Alexander is a gentle giant. Despite his scary appearance as a Wendigo, he has the mannerisms of a polite adult. For a Fae to be this way is strange, which led to the discovery that Alexander was once a human who was trapped within the body of a Wendigo. Due to this form he struggle with his own self image, often outright rejecting his newer form in a state of denial, hopeing that if he denied the new Fae parts of him, he could retain his humanity. When meeting new people he is initally shy, opting to let his friends do the talking, but once he knows the other person he is much more open. He is oblivious to many signs of flirting and can easily be flustered if someone tries anything romantic with him. Due to his skull face and lack of facial features, it can be incredible difficult to tell what Alexander is feeling, which is why he tries to make sure that he speaks his mind. Often he forgets his own strength and can be a bit clumsy, though this was mostly when he was adjusting to his new body.

Alexander used to be a human who was turned into this form by an evil witch (little is known about her at this time.) The Witch intended to create a powerful chimera servant and utilized a Humans soul and a Wendigos body to create such a creature. Upon waking up in this form, Alexander fled from her with such incredible speed that she was unable to track or follow him due to being tired from creating him. For several weeks Alexander wandered the forests wondering who he was before as he only has vague memories of being human, he could not even remember his name. Eventually he wandered into the territory of Ender shrine goddess of a small section of the forest. She greated him and asked why he seemed so lost and confused. Alexander explained his plight claiming "I don't know who I am, I need help." Ender took pity on this poor Fae and took him back to the Goddess Estate. Once he got accustomed to the residence, Ender and Aurelia asked him a great number of questions in order to sort out anything they could. From this interregation they were able to conclude that it was infact true that Alexander has the mind of a human, and that most likely the figure he fled from was responsible for it. At this point Alexander still had no name, and was being refered to as "Him" so Ender proposed the name Alexander, the Klim would then later be added when Alexander and Ender married. With a new name and a great feeling of confort from Aurelia and Ender, Alexander asked if it would be alright if he stayed at the Goddess Estate. Aurelia proposed the idea of the two taking a Familiar-Magus pact as Ender would need a proper familiar, and that it would give Alexander an opportunity to practice utilizing his fae powers. The two agreed and entered a pact in the next coming days. About a year passed where the two began to fall in love with one another, and despite the distaste from other people about the marriage between a fae and mortal, their marriage continued having Alexander adopt Ender's last name. Several years later they would go on to have a child named Atlas.


  • Utilizes Shadow Magic and is in the Elemental Class
  • Has an incredibly powerful nose!
  • Fell in love with Ender due to her kindness.
  • Despite being 7ft tall he only weighs 75lbs.