


4 years, 5 months ago


city witch

Oh, look! My last fuck just flew away! :D

chaotic gremlin. big >:3c energy.

will figure out a vague backstory later...until then have this placeholder.

if you click on the pictures you can go to the corresponding tab.
star witch

Star light, star bright, may my wish come true tonight.

A witch wandering around the world, tracking wish-granting myths and urban legends. Why do they want with the results of their investigation, you ask? Every time, they give a different answer. “I wanna win the lottery!” they might say. Or “wouldn’t it be nice if birds were the size of cars?” To this day, their real wish is still a mystery.
Witch Villager

A witch? A familiar? Why not both?

One day, a witch arrived on a tropical island to look for new ingredients for his spells and brews. So too did a cat villager, proclaiming that he was on a hunt for the supernatural. Yet, despite the seemingly inevitable friendship in the making, the other villagers have never, ever seen the two together.
Pokemon Trainer

My Pokemon shine the brightest!

A trainer with a team filled with ghosts and possessed dolls and other little horrors who insists that they can shine just as bright as all the other Pokemon. Currently collecting ribbons for the Grand Festival.