Apollinaire Bisset



4 years, 4 months ago



“This duck breast is really freaking me out”

Apollinaire "Apollo" Bisset
[Ah paul uh nair] [Bih seh]
Of Apollo
Bisexual (?)
Birth Date
? - ?
Stuck at ~26
Kitchen purgatory?

The Basics

🌿 Occupation: Nothing in the real sense of the word. He sort of pretends he's a restaurant chef and cooking show star
🌿 Personality: Apollo's a bit...loopy. Most of the time, he's somewhat high energy and cheerful. He can switch from rational thinking to making stupid decisions (for fun or by mistake) on a dime. He has a very diligent worth ethic, which he busies himself in the kitchen to fulfill. Despite his isolation, he doesn't often suffer loneliness, which is majorly thanks to how much time he spends working instead of sitting around and thinking. Granted, he does still go through phases of high emotion and  generally freak out, but who can blame the guy? It'll wear off eventually and he'll return to being a busy-body to fend off the next phase
🌿 Physical Description: 5'7". His eyes seem to change color however they please, but he's more likely than not going to retain his heterochromia.  All of his digits have retractable claws and his feet have a sort of un-raised "paw pads" on them. He has small, furry ears that poke from his hair and usually stick out sideways. He can move them around, but they're much easier to droop than raise. His canine teeth look a little too sharp, but nothing wild. He's got a short tail that only hangs about to lower thigh, which is surprisingly weak and majorly for looks
🌿 History: Apollo has died or was killed, but he doesn't remember how. Mostly, he just remembers waking up in a kitchen one day. At first, this was a baffling turn of events. Then, slowly, he realized that he was trapped there. He's gone through many phases of desperation, anger, acceptance, and what one might consider bordering on insanity, but it doesn't matter. The kitchen remains. He's been there for several decades at minimum

Food, but there's too much of it so you can't really tell what it is
Varies. High-energy & very chipper, oft
English and French
Main Hand
Very loopy and elegant
Dec. 17, '19


🌺 Details: Apollo doesn't know what he did to deserve being in kitchen limbo for the entirety of the foreseeable future, but it must have, he assumes, been pretty bad 🥕 He has two separate kitchen he can access. The first is a private room that seems to be high up in a skyscraper where he can fulfill orders like he's running a restaurant or label it as "closed" and have some time to himself. The second is the set of a TV show in  front of a "live studio audience" consisting of cardboard cutouts 🥕 The show kitchen's cameras appear to be on most of the time, so he's not sure if the feed is actually going anywhere or if he's just going insane all to himself. He assumes the former and often acts like he has his own cooking show, as it's a great time killer. The show will have various challenges for him to complete and most, regretfully, are too complicated or stressful so that he fails in an amusing fashion. He's also judged to the gram and milliliter, so that doesn't help 🥕 Supplies for both kitchens seem to spawn in as needed and never dissipate. If he's missing an ingredient, he can simply order it on his tablet and it will appear almost instantaneously. Orders must be related to cooking to work, though 🥕 After he's finished a dish, he's supposed to serve it into a dumb waiter, where it then is taken off to who knows where. Considering he's put all sorts of things in there by now that could most definitely kill people and all he gets is the tiniest slap on the wrist, he assumes that it really goes nowhere 🥕 There are no living beings in the kitchens. It's just him. 🥕 In addition to the kitchens, he has access to a hall that links them together. It's quite long and is lined with little other than impassable doors and plastic potted plants 🥕 Each kitchen has an attached bedroom for him to live in when not cooking. The skyscraper kitchen has an expensive-looking, modern studio apartment while the show kitchen has a bedroom, closet, and bathroom sharing space beneath what seems to be a set of stairs (despite the fact that there aren't any stairs anywhere). The latter is his favorite and is where he spends most of his off time. It doesn't have any windows, but it seems much cozier and more lived-in than the other 🥕 The show bedroom lacks the TV that the apartment has, having a radio instead. Since the TV exclusively runs food-based channels, he prefers the radio. Majorly, it plays music, but he can occasionally find podcasts and talkshows in the mix. It seems to be a strange mix of random and completely in his control, acting more like the internet at times. He does have a sort of "range" he can't leave, though. He can't just pull up whatever the heck he wants on the thing 🥕 Since he entered the  purgatory, he has not changed. He won't lose or gain weight, height, age, etc 🥕 Most of his needs stay severely reduced so that eating and sleeping are more of a want than a need 🥕 He, of course, cannot die (a second time). Minor injuries will heal as usual, but, if he's wounded to the point where he would need a doctor or suffer permanent changes to his body, he'll find himself blacking out. Then, he'll wake up mostly or fully healed and able to function as normal 🥕 He is able to destroy his environment, but never enough that he's able to get out of it. Usually, breaking stuff just makes his life harder, so he'll have to make a request to get things fixed, which they'll just sort of do on their own  🥕 Thanks to a calendar on his wall that updates itself and various clocks around the place, he does have a sense of time. It just...doesn't really mean anything. He can lie in bed for years if he wants 🥕 He has the option to not cook at all, but if he isn't babbling away to no one, the reality of the situation might seep in, so... 🥕 Despite cooking for ages, Apollo doesn't really seem to get better at anything. Tools are almost equally hard to use and techniques difficult to master.  Sometimes, things even leave the plane of reality and function more like a video game with objects clipping into the floor and possibly disappearing or flying off at high speeds. Thankfully, physics don't really break on him with the exception of gaining the worst case of butterfingers known to man on a regular basis 🥕 He usually tries to maintain a family friendly atmosphere for the show, but sometimes takes breaks and cusses anyway 🥕 Somewhere along the line (probably in  the bargaining stage of grief), Apollo decided he didn't mind not having people around so much, but it would be nice to have a dog 🥕 Most  Christmases, the kitchens seem to give him a gift. While this usually is some kind of cooking equipment he could have got himself (that's too obscure to use more than once, at that), he has received a couple of  plush dogs. He keeps them in his show bedroom and tries not to be Wilson-type crazy with them 🥕 He has a sense of disgust and disdain in regard to father figures, though he has no idea why. He sometimes thinks he has a mom he might miss, but would rather pretend that he didn't have a dad 🥕 There's a storeroom he can get into that has holiday decorations for any occasion he might need. Sometimes, these auto-appear  in the kitchens on the corresponding days without him putting them up 🥕 He's able to customize the appearance of the kitchens (such as the wall color, floor type, etc...) through a panel on his tablet 🥕 Apollo's very tactile in the sense that he likes to touch...stuff. If he can mix with his hands rather than a spoon, he'll enjoy doing so. A good time can be just running his hands through some beans. Goopy stuff such as peanut  butter or frosting makes him want to stick his hands in it 🥕 After a long while, Apollo gained access to a third kitchen via a random hall door unlocking. This led to a functioning elevator, though the doors would only open if he selected the button for the ground floor (marked with a cupcake 🥕 The elevator has other marked buttons, such as one with a pizza, sushi roll, and cup of coffee, but they all blink red if he presses them. The rest of the buttons have no numbers and do nothing when pushed 🥕 The third kitchen seems to be a bakery, made with cakes, cookies, and desserts in mind. It has large display windows that show a cobbled street outside, but it lacks any sort of outward facing door. Despite his attempts, he's been unable to break these windows regardless of being able to shatter others in the building 🥕 Like the other two kitchens, the bakery comes with an attached bedroom. While it has a poster bed, a desk, and a generally cozy atmosphere, it has the disturbing presence of cameras in there too. Since discovering these, he's pretty much sworn off sleeping in there 🥕 The bakery has cameras inside it as well, but these seem to be more for security reasons rather than recording like the show kitchen. Still, he sometimes talks to them anyway 🥕 Despite being on street-level, Apollo has never really seen anything out of the bakery's windows. There are buildings across the street and, despite ambient noises that would imply otherwise, there is not the occasional car, flock of birds, or passerby  🥕 Since he won't sleep in it, Apollo has repurposed the bakery bedroom into a sort of terrible kitchen lab. With nothing but time on his hands,  he's trying to tell if he can foster life in this plane or if he's just doomed to be the only one there. He's done things like trying to hatch eggs or grow mold, but has majorly been unsuccessful. Granted, he can order food with mold already on it via cheeses or meats, but it seems unwilling to grow on its own 🥕 The bakery bedroom also contains ample bookshelves that are nearly or fully stocked. While a lot of the books pertain to food, he's found some unrelated reading material as well. While he doesn't often take the time to read, he's found it nice to have the option 🥕 He has a fear of having a significant other that he no longer remembers : ( He tries not to think about it. Ever, if he can help it 🥕
🌺 Songs: [• Normal song] [❤ Ship song] [♪ Just vibes] [ Song character would listen to]
🌺 Extra: Based off Streamer cooks flavored water live on television. Is paid millions

  • Carrot cake
  • Multitasking
  • Dogs
  • Tactile stimming
  • 5 star ratings
  • Not having anything to work on
  • Trying to remember his life
  • Wearing shoes indoors
  • Inaccurate ratings
  • Dads



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Name - Relationship

...Is anyone out there...?



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Where are you?

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