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Yuri Chambers





fun-loving . kind . stubborn
yuri chambers


female | sapphic


born vampire


a friendly face

Yuri is pretty simple- on her most basic level, she's a pastel-goth vampire who spends a good amount of time with her adoptive family!

Just a little deeper than that; Yuri is a very driven person who wants to get to know others and make friends, but sometimes she can be too direct, and her plans sort of backfire on her! It is not hard for her to approach a complete stranger to give them a kind word, but this behavoir is easily seen as off-putting. Because of this, she honestly doesn't have much in terms of actual friends.

sometimes when i'm lonely, i like to talk to the stars. they have some pretty interesting things to say, if you're able to listen. to really listen...

  • helping Björg
  • liminal spaces
  • the night sky
  • bright bright sunlight
  • counting money
  • loud noises

Yuri was born from a single mother, who wasn't in the right place to really take care of her. For a short time, she was passed through her family, before ending up in a foster system- though she did her very best to keep contact with her mother once she got old enough to have her own phone. She doesn't dislike her mother, not at all, just wishes that they would've been able to stay together. Currently she is living with Ranima and Cecilia, a couple who adopted her and let her stay with them after turning 18. She doesn't really view them as parents, and instead thinks of them as cool older siblings!

Helping Björg

The other young adult living in Ranima and Cecilia's home is Björg, a shy girl who Yuri has seen as a twin sister since they moved in. She has been there since Björg started her little shop online, and is the one who encouraged her to rent out a physical location. She does as much as she can to help assemble merchandise for Björg, and tries her very best to help count up the results of a day of sales. Björg is quick to stop her and pull out a calculator- which Yuri greatly appreciates.


Being a born vampire, Yuri has Anemia, which has lead to her developing Pulsatile Tinnitus! This means that she often has a 'whooshing' sound stuck in her ears, and can't reall hear around it sometime. She holds her head sideways fairly often because she's trying to pinpoint what position makes the sound quieter! Her left ear is the problem one, so a lot of the time, if you approach her and try to speak from that direction, she will not be able to hear at first!

  • She often forgets things! To combat this, she hides little post-its aronud her space to remind her of things.
  • She is VERY quick to get attached to people!
  • Girls = Instant Crush.




Legal Guardian! Yuri thinks that she is fun and cool, and has been trying to learn some stuff about art from her!



Legal Guardian! Yuri likes Ranima, but often finds herself in silly arguments where her stubborn side comes out;;



Sister! Yuri would do anything in the world for Björg, should she ask! She thinks that her sister is SO COOL!

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