Val Cherie



4 years, 4 months ago


Val Cherie is a pretty average girl. She's made her way to Irhynam like many others. For perhaps similar reasons, finding herself, moving on with life, those sort of things. She's not really 100% on why she moved, but it's working out, that's good enough for her. Val is a very private and shy person, only really opening when others get to know her. She has troubles introducing herself, and leaving her comfort zone. Mai is one of the first people she met, as the wolf handled the introduction. They were in a pizza place Val was checking out, and Mai just went up to her and introduced herself, and asked if she wanted to go on a stroll. Val explained why she didn't want to, but Mai could tell it wasn't out of fear, she was just nervous, so she managed to convince Val, and that worked. It paid off, and the two are now pretty great friends. Val feels something unique thinking about Mai, but isn't too clear on exactly what it is.

Outside of her friendship, and pizza, she's one to keep to herself. Watching shows and videos she likes, listening to music she can jam to, she won't really open up about them without reason. Even then she doesn't really tend to get too heavy into discussing such things, she worries she'd bore others with how much she can get into something. Mai has tried to show her it's fine, if it's really not an appropriate time to discuss it, people can let her know. It's taking time, but she has opened herself up some, and even got up the nerve to show Mai some Kamen Rider to positive effect. Though the two tend to hang out around town more often, Val is just kinda happy she had someone to show that to.

As her world is magical, Val has decided against HRT after thinking it over, as she's been lucky enough to know a powerful mage, Valeria. Although she only asked Valeria to do some change, not a complete change. Val is thankful to Mai for this in addition to Valeria, as the wolf was who got the conversation started. If not for her, Val here would be too nervous to ask about this.