Akai Robin



4 years, 6 months ago


"Life is hard in the the zero degrees, one of your biggest worries can be food. Walking in the snow is difficult and you are slow...but what about the sky? If you have some friends with wings, maybe life is not so bad here "

Akai Robin

Quiet . Stoic . Devoted . Trustworthy

Name Akai Robin
Called Akai
Gender Male
Age 25
Height 6'0"
Build Lein Muscle
Race Shadow Monster
Role Mountain Guardian
Clan K'arishkhali
Element Air
Weight 175lbs


His Birds

The Quiet of The Mountain

The Cold

Red Berries



The Outside World

Lost Magic

Old Texts


Destruction of Knowlege


Those Who Seek Knowlege For The Wrong Reasons

Midnight Umbras


Akai is a 5th generation Mt. Guardian and proud of it. He was born and raised in the Arcanium Sanctum with the predetermined destiny to be the next generation of Guardian for the great Mt. Norium. He never viewed it as a hindrance but more of an honor to perform this task and never complained about it though he was curious about what life was like outside of the mountain. When he was 7 years old two new girls were brought into the Sanctum to train to be Keepers of the Tomes, a 5 year old named Kalynn and newborn Named Mira. Curious about what these outsiders had to offer he quickly befriended the 5 year old, and as her baby sister crew became her friend two. He was always fascinated to hear what Kaylnn had to say about the outside world and as Mira grew loved hearing the stories she concocted in her head. The trio became close friends nearly inseparable, until the dark day theSanctum fell under attack from the Midnight Umbras. During the raid on the Sanctum he was ordered by his parents to help the young girls escape. He found Mira with Master Li and helped them escape the Sanctums walls, but realizing Kalynn was still nowhere to be found he went back to search for her. He fought his way back, killing whatever Umbras he could but by the time he reached Kalynn it was too late. She has successfully cast out the Midnight umbra henchman from the Tomes library but at the cost of using a dark contract that had robbed her of her voice. After he made sure Kalynn was physically okay he and her went to search for Mira. He took her down the path Mira and Master Li took to escape only to find the body of master Li at the end of the trail but no Mira. The completely distraught Kalynn refused to believe Mira could be gone and the two continued to look for her for another week before giving up.

The following 13 years were spent each training and improving for if this were to ever happen again. Kalynn learned magics that allow her to communicate with him and protect the tomes and Akai learned new ways to protect the mountain. Although they say time heals all wounds neither Akai nor Kalynn ever fully recovered from losing Mira and their dynamic certainly changed. Akai would try his best to be there for her but Kalynn had closed herself off from people mostly. Finding comfort in the books within the library and the company of her foxes. Akai often blamed himself for Mira’s loss and despite being told she doesn't’ he believes Kalynn somewhere inside blames him too, thinking had only he stayed with Mira and Li then maybe they would be alive. In his estrangement to Kalynn Akai found comfort feeding the birds in the woods that surrounded him as he patrolled the mountain to the point where the birds often followed him. On one of the days that he was patrolling he saw a group of young Enforcers in training, and amongst this group he saw with them the now young adult Mira, alive and well with no memory of who he is.



Kalynn Monte

Childhood Friend

Kalynn is the first friend Akai had made from the ouside world and was always their to support and aide her into adjusting into her new life in the Sanctum. He enjoyed spending time with the young sisters until the day of tragedy, and despite feeling like he failed his friend he does what he can to aide her whenever she may need him.


Adal Khan


Adal is a frequent traveler to the Sanctum and one of the few outsiders who know of its existence. Akai Met Adal as a young adult and was fascinated to hear the storys he would share from the outside workd every time he came by to drop off more rares books and tomes for the library. Akai has come to routinly plan days off on the days he knows Adal is coming just so he can learn more of the outside world from him.


Mira Anahita

Childhood Friend

When Akai met Mira she was just a baby and he was 7 years older than her. He got to spend time with her and help her grow up. His fondest memories with her are of the times they would play princess where she would climb a tree seeing it as a cursed castle and he would come rescue her as her prince and savior.


Owner MarbleInk
Designer Piffi
Value $550
Net Value $550