tbn's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

piopuru Global Rules

By buying or owning my designs, you automatically agree to my TOS.

- you are buying rights to the character

- official designs + artwork by me are copyright property; i own all rights to the artwork. You are not allowed to profit off of my own art without permission. 

- base worth is always included in the ownership history

- commercial use is not allowed unless discussed with me

- commission and personal art can add value to the character; that being said, it’s preferred that you don’t inflate the price when there’s no extra art 

- trade values from another character / design does not add up to a character’s worth (example - trading a $100 character for a $20 does not make the $20 character‘s worth into $100)

- if you received the character in the means of trade / swap (non monetary), and you plan on selling the character, you can only sell it for its base worth, which should be listed in ownership history. 

- co owning is allowed but there can only be one toyhouse

I have the rights to block and warn people. and redistribute ownership of a design if they are breaking the TOS.

