Pulse Nightgaze Boss (Tempo Stardrop)



3 years, 5 months ago






After years of working as an unpaid intern at Musend, Tempo is finally free to do whatever they want! But... What does a young, sheltered adult do, when their skills mostly include stuff like sorting papers really well or making a mean pot of coffee? They're still in the process of figuring that out, while also trying to adjust to a lifestyle that is very different from their old one.

The desire to fully savour the freedom they’ve just begun to taste, and the need to earn money to spend on food, rent and fun stuff is difficult to balance, and trying to figure out how to deal with everything from utility bills to talking to strangers face-to-face is also a struggle. But Tempo is doing their best. Some days are tougher than others, but… If they just keep at it, they’re probably going to be okay in the end.

That’s what they’re hoping for, at least.


6’3" / 190.5 cm
Chaotic good
Notable skill:
Baseball bat proficiency
  • The pink hair tuft and pink hair parts should be included when drawing them
  • They can be drawn with or without bags under their eyes
  • Their posture is not great and they are often kinda slouching
  • They can be drawn in any of the outfits in their gallery



"... Y-yeah... Right... Whatever..."

To say that Tempo Stardrop is a bit introverted is an understatement on the level of saying that the surface of the sun is kinda hot, and they're constantly struggling with wanting to stand out and show their individuality, and wanting people to never ever perceive them. Mumbly and quiet when they talk, and with a proclivity to stutter when nervous, they're still very much in the process of trying to get the courage to speak up when something bothers them. Or even just when the cashier at Burger Wizard asks what kind of soda they want with their meal. They're getting better at it, but so far, they're mostly able to find their voice and the courage to use it, when writing on MaWalyfe, or when faced with someone, or something, that's in such stark opposition to their morals and ideologies, that they blurt out their opinion in a moment of idealism fuelled rage. They will almost always promptly regret having said anything at all, and spend the rest of the day wanting to melt into the ground.

This happens fairly often, though. Tempo is a very opinionated young person. Their time spent at their dad's company, and the knowledge this has given them about mega-corporations and the like, has given them a very strong distaste for most people with a "Chief of..." in their job title, and the people who support them. And while their social anxiety might be strong enough to keep them quiet up to a point, they are very firm in their beliefs, and won't back down easily once they've actually gotten into an argument.

It's gotten a lot better since they've gotten out of their dad's grip, but Tempo still has a pretty melancholic disposition, with a tendency for depressive episodes. It's easier to keep the doom and gloom at bay, now that they're able to practice their hobbies, go outside, and generally live their life as they want to. Having gotten their own little group of friends and going to therapy is also doing wonders. But it doesn't take too much to knock Tempo off course and send them spiralling off into worst-case scenarios and catastrophising every little thing that goes wrong. When this happens, they retract into their room and close themselves off from the world and it takes some time for them to be okay again. But they've been through worse, and they're more resilient than they look. They have no intention of giving up when they've gotten this far already.



  • Creative
  • Careful
  • Moody
  • Anxious


  • Music
  • Baseball
  • Video games
  • Comics


  • Capitalism
  • Crowds
  • Paperwork
  • Their dad







Having picked up their interest in baseball from a friend and then honed their swing during the apocalypse, Tempo is surprisingly adept with a baseball bat. You wouldn’t think a lanky nerd with bad posture would be able to hit a baseball with enough accuracy and force to knock it out of the park, and yet.



Tempo is half-demon, and that does come with a few powers attached. Problem is just that they’ve never really… Had the opportunity or desire to do a whole lot with those powers. And like a muscle that goes unused, their powers have atrophied a great deal. And they’re actually getting worse and worse. Changing into their demon-form is not something that comes easy to them, and they struggle to control the wings they can sprout enough to properly fly. They can’t really do that whole thing their dad can do where he can make people do whatever he wants them to just by using his voice. Oh well. They don’t mind it a whole lot. They like to think of it as if they’re slowly getting less and less in common with their dad.



While technically falling under the category of “demon powers”, this is the one skill Tempo actually uses on a consistent basis. While not quite having the ability to mimic sounds that a full demon, or just someone with more training, would have, Tempo has an impressive vocal range. They’re able to change their voice from a bass to a soprano and anything in between, and they’d be able to make some incredible one-person acapella music or beatboxing… If they had any interest in doing so. Basically, if a regular human can make the sound, so can Tempo.




Tempo used to be a very overworked, unpaid intern, stuck in a capitalist hell of their father's creation.

Way back when, they were a rather spoiled, and pretty happy child, who really didn't mind having to spend a lot of time indoors. They had their art, and they could toddle around the building, showing that off to the employees. A little ray of sunshine, the apple of most people at Musend's eye.

That slowly but surely began to change, though. As Tempo began to get older and desire more freedom, they simply never got it. They were not allowed to go out alone. They were not allowed to get a job outside Musend. They were not allowed to move out. They stopped being a bubbly kid and instead became a tired, and sad young adult, who spent a lot of time taking notes for business meetings, answering phone calls, making coffee, and running the corporate MaWalyfe account. All for no real pay.

"This is instead of paying rent," their father said. "It's to prepare you for the real world, because you are not ready to face that yet." Tempo thought that was bullshit... But what could they do about it?


Well, they could do one thing. Ask for help through messages from the Musend account. They weren’t very well hidden, but they didn’t need to be. They flew under their dad’s radar but were picked up on by a mysterious girl, (whom Tempo began to refer to as the banana mobster girl) who seemed to make it her mission to find Tempo and help them out. A mission she succeeded in. With the help of a hotheaded broomracer, the Musend building was infiltrated and Tempo was rescued.

What now?

After saying one last goodbye to their old life, by saving their dad from being a statue, Tempo is ready to start their new life properly!

But what does that mean? They plan to stay in Mahou Wando and get an education, but in what? Do they have any relevant skills? Knowledge of the music industry, coffee brewing, comic making and baseball bat swinging is not a very cohesive set of skills… So which one should the focus be on…?

So far, they've been dabbling in being a bit of a jack-of-all-trades in terms of content creation. They stream their digital art and post some music on MaWaLyfe under the username Temporary Marker, and they've gathered a small, but loyal, fanbase there. But they're not sure if they're really good enough at any of the things they like to do to make a living from it...
