Basic Info




Puppeteer, The Cursed Master






They/Them or It/It's


3'0 / 91cm


Aromantic / Asexual


Possessed Doll


Arioch Circus Performer


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Puppet has a doll body, much similar to a porcelain doll however their skin is much thicker and harder to break. They are very light weighted and easy to carry, weighing the same as a newborn puppy. They have no working organs and have no genitals, the only thing that is in their body is black ink. Their left eye is black and the other is purple, both eyes are made of glass, specifically obsidian. Black ink is tattooed permanently under each of their eyes and obviously cannot be washed away. Their clothing style is circus inspired considering they work at a circus, during performances they are given a uniform to wear. Puppet normally wears a purple or black bow to match their outfit, they don't wear too many accessories unless they are told to. They have a purple bunny puppet on their left hand that is able to talk and have emotions. Puppet's hair color is purple and is cut short, touching their shoulders.



Puppet is a quiet doll that makes little to no noise - verbally and physically deafening - They keep their mouth shut constantly. They do not speak and refuse to cooperate upon request, normally by standing idly or staring at the requester. They substitute actions for words, and they will respond to essentially anything in morse code. Alternatively, the hand puppet on their left arm may communicate on Puppet's behalf. However, because of how depraved it is, it frequently inflicts more harm than help by only ever discussing gruesome material and making horrific comments (It's very degenerate.) Puppet beholds the ability to speak but it's extremely distorted and staticky, similar to a warped TV channel. Their sentences are jumbled making absolutely no sense at all. They may communicate using symbols, multiple tones at once, or make up words that do not exist. Their voice is also extremely irritating to the ears, with a frequency that is so skewed that it can send a person into a temporary state of psychosis - causing hallucinations, delusions, and an increase in dread or anxiety. It's most recommended to not allow them to open their mouth.
Puppet's very character is a mystery. Not much, if anything, is known about them or what they are up to. They do not discuss anything of their whereabouts or their thoughts or ideas. This could very well stem from the fact they cannot talk. Their body was simply never made to connect with other people. They do not understand social norms in the slightest nor can they abide or collab with it. They physically and emotionally cannot feel for themself or others. They are unable to bond or even understand people from any perspective and sees the world in monochrome. They view everyone as an equal; the same. They cannot tell the difference between person to person outside of their physical appearance. Even then, these ideas are stretched and they still see no difference between them. This only adds onto their imperturbable personality. Puppet is stoic to put it in simpler terms, a very expressionless doll. They are cold and holds no empathy whatsoever. They are extremely heartless and do not care for those around them - for the sole fact that they cannot feel anything for anyone - Feelings such as happiness, sadness, and anger do not exist in Puppet's dictionary.

They are almost never alone and have a presence of some sort following their every step. Most specifically from the other side. Spirits, ghosts, and entities of the dark surround them at all hours, watching over them through their very own shadow. They, a spirit themself, attract other spirits and ghosts with their very presence alone. They also have the companions of their doll friends; Puppet holds the ability to control and manipulate any doll of any kind, regardless if that doll has a spirit or not. Whether far away or close by, these dolls come to life and come to Puppet when they are called to do so. This is often a method they use during performances or to steal dolls from local toy shops. On the topic of dolls, Puppet is doll-kin and feels like a doll; which is very much the case. They adore dolls of any kind and any type, regardless of what they look like or the condition they are in. Their home is over-flooded in dolls and puppets from the floor to the ceiling. These dolls react and move around during the night, causing chaos and starting shenanigans with nearby neighbors. Porcelain, one of the many of Puppet's dolls, is a great example of this. Outside of keeping tabs on Cosima, they'd rather be with their dolls, caring for them and keeping them safe. Puppet does not hold any bond with these dolls, but a sentiment of empathy for them because they are a doll themself. They see themself as these dolls and become enraged when they are harmed because they take it as if that person had harmed them. These are the only times you'll see any sort of empathy come from Puppet as they do not have empathy to begin with.

In terms of violence, Puppet is very horrid. These actions are mostly present when they are in the presence of a doll being mistreated. They will curse anyone, including babies or children, when they witness them not giving the care that doll needs. Even upon simplex mistakes like a child leaving their doll behind at a park, Puppet will show no mercy. Their curses can be brutal to even downright revolting. Something extremely unnecessary.

They have a habit of leaving during the midst of a conversation, something that has grown onto the other circus performers. If something ticks in their head to leave a situation they will do it, regardless of how rude they come off. They do not contribute to telling anyone where they are going.

They experience visual hallucinations along with hearing voices. The voice they hear is from a person named Gabriel. They have never heard of this person before and these voices only intensify when around Cosima. It's unknown what Gabriel wants from them, or possibly it's a warning sign of something?

Being edited.

Giovanni was considered a righteous hypocrite with a goal full of power. Most of his future included him being successful and a big impression to all. He owned multiple writing companies that brought a good amount of income to him and his sweet wife, Abrienne. People often knew him from his books or even his banking accounts, he had so many. but most were blinded by his powerful speech and fierce complexion. Giovanni was far from a good man and some could even say he was beyond horrid. His companies were nothing but dried up plants compared to his real work. Giovanni was in business with the Arioch circus and followed heavily with the Arioch religion. The Arioch residence was mostly who he was involved with since they paid incredibly well. Most of his jobs included scams and/or thievery. He even went far as to kidnap younger children and sell them off to the circus. Giovanni felt pleased with himself and carried on toxic traits with a lack of remorse for his actions. Of course, his "side" job was always put in secret and no one suspected a thing. Things started dropping low and his thoughts started going through change after his wife announced that she was pregnant. It was wonderful but sicking news to him. He couldn't bare the thought of having a child when he was off giving kids to the circus. It made him weary. Without a choice, he slowly started cleaning up his act and denying any side offers that he got. He put more focus into his writing companies and paid little to no attention to his "side" job. His sanity was finally being restored.

On Midnight during an expecting storm, a son was born under the name Clair De Lune. Their mother passed away during childbirth and was left alone with their father. Giovanni was highly upset about the death of his wife but his recovery over her loss was quite fast. He never seemed to ever mourn or bring up her death as if it was something that shouldn't be cared too much about. Nevertheless, he tried to be a good role model for his "son" despite leaving them with family relatives to watch over them since Giovanni was always busy. As a child, Clair grew up pretty well with their father and relatives as they were very much present in their life. However, due to Giovanni's sudden 'disappearance' from his past occupation of selling children to the circus, he had been blackmailed by 'Father' the owner of the circus to continue his work or he was going to thrown in jail for his crimes. Giovanni didn't care, he was at a point of guilt that he deserved to be thrown in jail and believed his 'son' deserved a better father and home. 'Father' was enraged by this and decided to hire someone to kill this 'son' of his to give Giovanni pain and agony for the rest of his days on Earth. Clair had been murdered by an unnamed man which left Giovanni in a fit of despair. Giovanni who was beyond tears. He couldn't help but blame himself for all of this. It didn't take long for him to go mad. Regret burned in his soul as he rushed off and created an exact replica of Clair. He used a doll body and mended them to make them seem more realistic. He loved the doll and obsessed over it. It was his new child. The doll was made to replace Clair but to him the doll was Clair. People found the relationship between him and the doll very disgusting and twisted. It made him look insane. Giovanni carried the doll wherever ever he went and even took care of it as if it was alive. He'd put it to sleep, feed it, and even gave it baths. It was his child after all. That is until he started feeling disconnected with it. He wanted the doll to move, speak, and love him. So he had a far-out plan that could work to make them live again. Giovanni drove out to Dusk and met with a fair witch who was able to help him bring Clair back to life. The witch told him that in order to do so, she needed Clair's original body and the sacrifice of their father. Giovanni agreed to it and drove off to dig up the body of Clair out of his grave. He settled the body in a casket and brought it to the witch. She put a hex on the doll and tattooed black ink linings on each of their eyes. Giovanni was ordered to slit his throat, in which he did, causing him to choke and fall to his knees. The blood was used and the soul Clair was sucked into the doll, possessing its doll body. While on the verge of death, he begged for Puppet to awaken and speak to them one last time. The dolls eyes shone with color and began breathing. Memories and life collaborated into them and they stood up. The soul of Giovanni's child was now in their body. The witch spoke, "They live again." Giovanni rushed over to hug his son but felt a lack of oxygen in his lungs. He fell down and died right there. Puppet gave him eyes of coldness before looking at the witch. The witch dismissed them and Clair was free to roam the lands of Earth. Clair vanished away from the town exploring wherever they could. A fellow young adult named Cosima spotted Clair one day and eventually took them into the circus. They were not longer known as Clair, but Puppet. 

Puppet is currently working at the circus and has no specific plans for the future.
+Ongoing Story+


+Character Interaction+
Cosima - (???)
Puppet lacks in the friend department and holds no desire to have companions. When it comes to their emotions in general they feel of nothing towards people. So it's difficult to tell how they feel about Cosima. Though they are almost always by Cosima's side as if they are glued to their hip. They even live together in Puppet's home. Though it's really because they are keeping tabs on Cosima which is....considerably odd.  They perform side-by-side at the circus and are often the show stealers of each performance. They know of Cosima's past life because they were the one behind their resurrection. Upon the original Cosima's death, Puppet brought them back to life through cross-passing timelines and switching souls with a young boy named Cosima; who is known as the current Cosima now. It was a mistake and Puppet was only trying to steal the soul not switch identities. They, along with Father, are plotting to send Cosima back.  

Marionette - (???)
They feel indifferent towards their doll companion. Puppet is very protective of Marionette due to him being a doll, and becomes enraged when they notice he had been harmed in any way. Puppet holds no platonic feelings towards Marionette, thus does not see him as a friend. They only really see him like a doll and an object to possess.
Ambrosia - (Spirit Guide)
They are almost always at Ambrosia's mansion because the spirit realm is the most accessible there. Puppet is able to communicate with dead spirits through a mirror in said realm. They see Ambrosia as some kind of entity and has personally made him their spirit guide.
Mishka - (???)
Is only interested in Mishka's dolls. They purchase many dolls from him.



 + Extra +

+They are known as the "Cursed Master." This is their performance name.
+They are a con artist.
+They can do magic tricks and normally engages in card games.
+They have a doll obsession. They collect them.
+They own a rabbit named Mime
+Their rabbit is mostly stuck in their room because it has a bad habit of inflicting harm.
+They are very skilled in magic and can cast spells, along with curses and hexes.
+Puppet will get violent. It's unknown when they will snap.
+They feel kin to dolls and will steal them from others to prevent them from being treated poorly.
+They become enraged when they see someone mistreating a doll.
+They have convicted of murder before.
+Puppet bleeds out black ink instead of blood.
+Their hand puppet is possessed and can speak/have emotions. It's mostly sadistic and horrendous.
+They do not tribute to normal human necessities; they do not eat, drink, or sleep.  
+The spirit possessing them is a young boy named Clair De Lune.
+They can predict future occurrences.
+They have hallucinations.
+They have a record for harming small children.
+They do not interact openly with people.
+They do not feel, thus they have no feelings of remorse for their actions.
+They are selectively mute.
+They don't have taste buds and cannot taste food or drinks.
+They are unable to feel physical pain.
+As one of their circus acts, Puppet sticks pin needles into their arm whenever they are in the midst of a performance.
+They follow the Arioch religion.
-Puppet is hard to predict from their lack of expression and body movements. It's nearly impossible to tell what they are planning to do.

Likes- Dolls/puppets/marionettes, Dummies and mannequins, Bobbleheads
Magic, magic tricks, card games, tarot, Spirit boards
the circus, being with their dolls, ghosts, entities

Dislikes- Dolls being mistreated, their dolls being touched,
people who refer to their dolls as "toys"
Sage, remedies used against spirits.

 Puppet's Pinterest Board