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User Content Warning

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Hi! Welcome to my profile :D ... I store my many ocs here, and try to love them as much as possible! I keep a lot of my ocs in my unsorted because when I put them in a folder, I tend to forget about them :( ... I try to give them the best homes possible!! Also some things may be a wip or under constructions, so don't mind that! :,) And with some of my ocs, I don't support their actions (since I have a surprisingly lot of murderers and/or just bad people), but yk, character and story development...

Also just cause I have a lot of ocs doesn't mean I don't use them... I love my ocs a lot, and try to use them as often as possible. I think abt them 24/7 but I can't draw them 24/7... so you know :") (also I have low motivation)

I love making stories and I see a story in everything! For many characters, I do have many ideas in mind. I LOVE creating little universes for my characters, it makes me so happy :')

DNI: proshipper/map/pedo/zoophile (even if you claim it's "not sexual" bro get out you freak)/against the LGBTQ+ community, i.e: transphobic/homophobic /against neopronouns/xenogenders/etc ... just let people live man... the world does NOT revolve around you

Please do not
  • Steal my ocs or art (feel free to get inspiration tho (just don't get TOO inspired (point #3)))
  • Make drama out of nothing, or just be a rude person for no reason (cause nobody likes that)
  • Copy or heavily reference an oc of mine to where it's basically the same oc
  • Make fun of the ocs - I understand some have cringy names/stories/designs, but belive me - I'M AWARE!! 😭 - I do not have to hear it from you :") (also I love my ocs, so then I'll just see you in bad light if you make fun of them) they have feelings too ☝️
Content Warnings
  • Murder/Murderers/Murdering
  • Blood/Gore in art and/or profiles
  • Abuse (physical, emotional, psychological)
  • Death (of loved ones) and/or killings
  • I forget to put warnings sometimes, so be aware (I also probably missed some here - I apologize in advance!! Lmk if a warning needs to be added somewhere!)
  • There may be some suggestive themes here and there
  • I have angel/demon/god/goddess ocs and some characters may have religious imagery/themes/topics!! (I love biblically accurate angels...)

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

She is NOT a very good person!! :')

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