13$'s Comments

Hello! I can offer someone from my sale folder or concepts. If you'd like someone from concepts I'm able to finish the design :D

And/or art, examples here. I can draw some sketches for this guy or do something colored depending how much do you want for it 

I would be interested in art ^^ how many and what type of drawings would you offer? (2 sketch headshots for example) I would be interested in uncolored sketches.

It really depends on what character I'd need to draw! Mostly I'm fine with drawing ferals or anthros

For ferals I can do maybe a full and bust; for anthros like 2 halfs ^^

You can just select anyone from my main and secondary oc folder for the full body and bust! ^^ i will put the character in the pending folder until you are finished 

Hi! I want you to know i'm still interested but art block hit me so um it is what it is. I'll try to make it soon, sorry (>﹏<)

Oh yea thanks for updating me! He is still up for you, just sent the art over once you are done and it's all good. Totally understand. 

Hello! Sorry to dissapoint, sadly I need to cancel my offer since I'm in a middle of art block and had some work to do. I tried drawing these guys but it didn't succeed. Sorry about it a lot!! I wanted to let you know earlier but thought I could figure out something