★Freyja - Sauron



7 years, 8 months ago


Sauron: #233

Future Mate: Thrymr

Pet: Beach

Lineart by @pachoopi

Species concept by @/talonex

Species owned by @sixbane



Name - Freyja
Gender - Female
Personality - Freyja is extremely shy and hates that about herself. She once tried to become a hunter in her village thinking that it would help her become stronger and erase her fears, but unfortunately she failed the test...while wandering the forest outside her village in dispair she ran into an old Witch Doctor who promised power. Freyja decided to take her up on her offer as she saw herself as weak and wanted to change that. Freyja does have a good heart despite being willing to walk on a taboo path.

Future occupation/Currently learning: Demon Guide

Meeting Thrymr: Freyja remembered seeing Thrymr in the village before for he was a very outgoing and handsome sauron that she secretly admired. But the first time they had officially met was in the ruins outside the village due to a strange occurance that had caught the eyes of every sauron in the village. She had been the first to arrive at the ruins and beeing the cautious sauron that she was she decided to hidein the brush of the forest to first observe the ruins from a safe distance. Not even a moment later Thrymr arrived from the village and headed straight towards the ruins and in her surprise she stepped on a twig that snaped beneath her paw. He had quickly investigated and spotted the mortified Freyja. Though her first instinct was to run, the charming Thrymr managed to convince her to stay and explore the ruins with him. From then on whenever he spotted her in the village he would do his best to woo her and Freyja had many mixed feeling about this as she was both afraid of a relationship not knowing what a capable sauron like himself could see in a weak sauron like herself...but at the same time his eager persistance was slowly winning her over.