I candyfloss I Raven ლ



4 years, 3 months ago



"A soft glow in the Dark"

Name Edgar
Species Candyfloss
Flavor Taffy
Gender Male
Age 7 (21 human years)
Height 4'9 (legs)
Clan Rho
Ability Manipulate Water
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Relationship single
Occupation Message carrier


  • darkness
  • caves
  • confined/ small spaces
  • reading
  • waxing his tail to make it shiny
  • sour sweets
  • kelp bed + lots of sponges (pillows)


  • bright lights
  • bitter food
  • socializing
  • being forced into situations
  • bullying

Shy . Anti-social . Quiet

Edgar is very shy and anti-social. When he was a little kitten, his parents were killed during a hunting excursion and he had to go to foster care. The whole experience was quite traumatic for him, being thrust into a world he didn't know. He lived outside of the city in cave dwellings and he wasn't used to the brightness of the city or all the flocks of Taffyfloss. When he was found he has almost starved to death before going into the system. It hadn't helped that by the time he was found, he had almost starved to death. 

Since than he hasn't spoken a single word. All drs confirm that he didn't get injured or the malnutrition wouldn't have caused the problem and that it's all physiological. But no matter how much speech therapy he had since he was a young kitten, he hasn't uttered a single word, and instead has learned sign language. 

He lives on his own now, back in the same general area of remote cave dwellings. He is very much a recluse in his own home unless he is working. He is a message carrier for the city and one of the fastest swimmers. Due to his abilities, at times he does scouting work for the hunting parties, but not often enough due to his own fears. 

Anyone that ever pays attention to him, can tell all emotions he is feeling by the fin of his tail. Unlike the majority of Taffyfloss, his fin can open or fold up much like a Japanese fan. The harder ridges closing in against each other, and the soft membrane of his fins fold. When he is happy, or relaxed his tail fin is semi open. The normal length, however if he gets sad or very scared the tail folds in shut, and he freezes up. When he is angry or upset, his tail fin will stretch out wide, as much as the soft membranes will go, almost a predatory reaction to make himself look bigger. 

He will literary flee from anyone trying to talk to him so he doesn't have any friends or family. Maybe one day someone will be able to get him to open up? 


HTML by lowkeywicked