Evern Evergloom / Éilisen



4 years, 3 months ago


Evern Evergloom
Eve, Evie, 'Silent Watcher'
Sylvari | Nightmare | Deadeye

17+ Years | Female

Dearheart: None
Sexuality: Heterosexual



Her Dream was of water and cliffs. She found herself being cornered by something and off the cliff she went, into the water below, but a boat caught her before she died. Washed a shore, she found herself on a beach, then she awoke. She wasn’t that much talkative nor asked questions, but she soon left the Grove in search of her own place. She soon found a village of Soundless, she stayed with for a while until she went out hunting for food. She ran across a man with a skull mask, just walking his merry way, interested, she approached him, he just looked at her and kept walking. She followed, soon after, she just stayed with him instead. Choice muted and became the Squire to Decay.



Leery - Affable - Restless

Evern is quite ignorant and sapling like, as she was sheltered for quite a number of years within the Grove, thanks to -redacted-, never letting her experience anything heart wrenching or anything much of the outside world. Though she is painfully curious by nature, she knows her limits quite well, as she is easily overwhelmed with newer things, and it can often make her shut down for a long time if she doesn't get a break from it

When not freaking out over new things, she is sweet, and easy to get along with most of the time. She is known to have a mean streak when she wishes to perform tricks or pranks on those that have either wronged her, or made her annoyed or mad.


- Doesn't need to be asked twice to shoot someone.

- Is a mercenary for hire, and it's how she makes most of her gold.

- Stayed in a Kodan village for a number of years, learning their ways, and even took a name for herself: 'Silent Watcher'.

Talents: Shadow magic, scouting, sniper rifle efficient

Hobbies: Making her own daggers, studying bugs

Songs: -



Emrysen. Amaranthine.


Falling for someone like she had wasn't something she'd really dream of, but in the end, the sniper woman had fallen for the ditz of a thief. Loving every bit of him, and not really caring about the.. Ahem, /age/ difference. Not like she was much different in that regard with being as sheltered as she was much of her life. But she loves Emrys deeply, and hopes it shows, even without her ability to talk. Even just sitting with each other night, after night, she's greatful for him.