Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


  • DNI If you are against SFW Babyfurs/Kidfurs/Age regressors/Pet regressors, Neopronouns & Xenogenders, Therians or otherkin !!
  • DNI If you are Homophobic, Transphobic, Zoophile, Zionist, Anti-BLM, or anything else similar (This is obvious lmao)
  • DNI if you romantize BPD or any other mental illnesses, It's uncomfy as someone who struggles with BPD.
  • if i have you blocked please dont block evade! I'm not up to reconnect with old friends/mutuals, please dont try to contact me, I dont want to talk to you & I dont owe you an explanation, please respect that.
  • I dont do queer discourse, It's stupid. I fully support He/Him lesbians, mspec lesbians and any other such identities. I will not debate this, If it makes you uncomfy that's not really my problem. It's not your identity to dictate. Identity is complicated. Read a queer history book or do your own research. - sincerely, a butch Lesbian
  • These might all come off agressive but I have ZERO tolerance for any of the things listed, I will block you if you make me uncomfy, I dont owe you an explanation!!

Content Warnings

 mental abuse 

 bright colours 

 drug use 


 Romantic Conflict 

 SFW Kid/Littlefur 




 mental health mention 

 Gun use 


 Creepy imagery 

 religious imagery 

 Misc. Content Warning 

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


This profile as well as the characters and stories within it contain themes that some viewers might not be comfortable with. Additional, more specific warnings may be added to folders and worlds, but viewer discretion is still advised.

Additonally, characters within this folder are meant to tell a story. I do not endorse or glorfiy the actions made by the characters and I NEVER glorfiy such things in my writing. I use my own personal Experiences/Trauma to write stories such as this, keep this in mind when viewing my characters.

Verbal Abuse

Mental Abuse

Physical Abuse


Child Abuse

Sexual Abuse



Cop Characters



Misc. Content Warning

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