Esmeralda's Ownership Log

28 May 2020, 8:54:05 am Transferred to Colorful-Gray
8 Aug 2017, 1:58:44 pm Transferred to aeriois
18 Jan 2017, 9:03:10 pm Transferred to aerioi
8 Jan 2017, 8:02:46 pm Transferred to suzuii
26 Dec 2016, 2:51:41 pm Transferred to terraria
31 Oct 2016, 4:46:11 pm Transferred to cozystorm
from bagisan, to you! <3
31 Aug 2016, 6:43:17 am Transferred to wulfwata
12 Feb 2015, 6:47:39 pm Transferred to Fawnspots
13 Oct 2014, 7:54:22 am Character created by lynstrommr