λ Lambda the LabCat



4 years, 3 months ago




He is one of twelve "LabCats" - artificially created creatures to help in the NewHorizon lab. Lambda worked in the laboratory, but was more involved in the maintenance and care of dangerous samples, although sometimes he could still be allowed to experiment.

When the apocalypse happened due to a failed experiment in the laboratory, he was left in a cryostorage, and only woke up twenty years later, when he was found by a group of survivors.

Maybe because of a long sleep in the freezer, or because of an explosion during an unsuccessful experiment, or because of both factors, but sometimes Lambda can be "corrupt", because of which he becomes aggressive and uncontrollable. He returns to normal after a while.

Each labcat is named after a letter from the Greek alphabet and their role in the laboratory depends on this (for example, Alpha and Beta are one of the managers, and Omega is a cleaner in dangerous parts of the building for people)

The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is built into both hands, which allows him to attract objects to himself and hold them in a special energy field formed near the paws. This is useful when he need to carry hazardous substances or objects (radiation and emissions do not spread due to the field)

The "mask" (or, as they are called "Headbuddy"), is a small robot that can connect to Lambda and become part of him. This is usually used to protect the face and to assist in the analysis of substances, for example

his tail is a cord that can be used both to absorb energy and to charge something

He can (and loves) to eat radioactive and toxic substances. They charge him well with energy!


Fur color
Blood color
  • Outfit can be changed! He usually wears something "science"-related or just casual
  • Level of juice in his belly container can be any. This does not affect Lambda's well-being, but if he has no juice at all, he will not be able to use the abilities
  • The length of the cord-tail may vary
  • HeadBuddy is with him most of the time. It clings to his shoulders when not in use



  • talkative
  • enthusiastic
  • loyal
  • workaholic


  • drink toxic substances
  • work at lab
  • Asbest
  • being able to help


  • being empty
  • mutants
  • when he's blamed in experiment
  • corrupted state

"I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones, enough to make my system blow"

He is quite talkative and active, ready to help with anything and is always enthusiastic. However, after the catastrophe and when people began to treat him more sharply and aggressively, he became more withdrawn and quiet and prefers to avoid conflicts. It’s difficult for him to show his feelings to anyone anymore, although he often needs a shoulder to lean on (constant accusations and convictions didn’t have a very good effect on his mental state). Tho he's trying his best to stay optimistic and trying to find a way to make people like him again

He is loyal and if you have won his trust and respect, he will serve you faithfully, and perhaps even overdo it. He will take the side of the one to whom he is loyal, his Alpha, even if he does something wrong. Something big has to happen for him to reconsider his moral values.
He is used to working within clear limits, according to the rules, although he can break these rules more and more often than other LabCats, but if he is sure that this is better. Likes to arrange harmless pranks or make fun of his colleagues



Strength 35%

Stamina 60%

Magic 3%

Resistance 85%

Accuracy 75%

Courage 50%

Strategy 30%

Luck 35%


He was created for this, and even though he mainly fulfills the role of a repairman, he has a high intelligence and can work on an equal footing with other LabCats.


He can not only function as an electric generator, but also release electricity through the hands. It may have proven to be quite useful in post-apocalypse as a weapon


He is still learning, but with the help of Asbestos and other survivors, he is quickly gaining experience in the post-apocalypse.

Grey Corruption

Sometimes at critical moments, Lambda has new, unknown abilities. Enhanced gravity control and electrokinesis, as well as heightened senses and control over other LabCats, including Alpha



the LabCats' experiment

The sixth LabCat created in the research center, received the code name "Lambda" and appointed technician and assistant. Mainly engaged in minor repairs, and sometimes transportation of samples. Everything was wonderful, research was carried out, LabCats helped people in their work and took care of the laboratory, but at some point some of the Cats decided on a dangerous unauthorized experiment, which eventually turned into a catastrophe that destroyed the laboratory and brought the whole world to the brink of an apocalypse

Lambda did not participate in this experiment, he overslept and was late for work that day, so he didn’t even know about the upcoming experiment. After the experiment turned into a disaster, Lambda was able to escape, but the rescuers who came to look for the survivors decided that he was also to blame for this and locked him for twenty years in a crumbling laboratory in a cryostorage. As a result of the disaster, a cyborg virus began to spread around the world, which mutated people and creatures into monsters, joining any mechanical parts and becoming vile unreasonable cyborgs scouring the cities in search of victims. The remnants of the government for some time tried to stop the threat by creating combat robots and conducting other dubious experiments, and redistributing the population to the “safer” places of the planet, but, of course, after some time the virus spread everywhere. People and creatures began to form camps outside of cities, choosing only to search for loot.

Group of survivors found Lambda. At first, they wanted to use in order to find out some useful information, but since Lambda didn’t know anything, after he managed to gain the trust of the camp, he became a member of it. Now he mainly tries to stay close to Asbest, as with the one whom he knows best. It was difficult for him to adapt to the new world, but he is learning fast. Just as before in the research center, he devotes a lot of time to repairing and improving mechanisms, monitoring the electricity and condition of the generators. Sometimes, he himself can work as a generator, if he has enough energy, he simply connects to the circuit with the help of a tail.


This timeline was a mistake
After another defeat, Null completed the cycle, transferring his powers to Lambda, as in all timelines before. The time cycle has restarted, and now Lambda, as a new Null, must again try to correct the Reality Error. Only this time, knowing the consequences of the experiment, he will try something else.
new Lambda, a LabCat in the laboratory, meets a cute rounhead cat girl Alice, who now delivers herbal samples to the lab. While Null's watching them


Asbest (Alice)


friends \ lovers

Although initially their relationship was not as good (like many others, Asbest thought Lambda was to blame for the experiment), but after the time spent together, Lambda managed to win her trust. Their relationship continued to develop, although they were still a little awkward in showing their feelings to each other, they became very close.




They've seen each other a few times, and Dan is usually friendly to Lambda (although she didn't trust him at first). She respects him for his perseverance and hard work, as well as for his abilities.



Boss \ ???

Lambda is obeys to Null as for his boss, but began to question his knowledge about him after Null began to reveal himself as a more powerful figure. Lambda now has very mixed thoughts about Null