Kagami 💫



4 years, 3 months ago


created 12/28/2016

kagami - japanese for "mirror"

* female (she/her)
* made of energy and physically decades old, mentally/emotionally about 7 human years old
    * this slides around depending on the conditions, context and/or whether she's physically threatened / endangered, but she's never "older" than about 13 or 14 human years old. she is a child

* created by an old, OLD energy being as its familiar, and was raised by it for a long while before conflict arose and she became separated from it
* speaks with gestures/sign language to strangers and unfamiliar figures, but uses telepathy with close friends
* incredibly feline in behavior, and can easily be mistaken for a kitten

* possesses strong magic, and will use it if it's needed / she's in danger
* if her emotions run too high her magic can become unstable, which is risky not only for those around her, but for herself. the collar she wears acts as a stabilizer in the event of this occurrence
* can use mirrors as portals to go from place to place (if there's another mirror she can connect to) or, if she chooses, to a personal pocket dimension that she has full control over
* can create other energy beings using her magic; they don't hold her level of sentience and can range from fluffy glowy kittens or puppies to a HUGE dragon that she can use as a weapon
* can shapeshift! technically she can take on any form she wants, including a human one, but she prefers her true form whenever she can
    * if she's out and about and Needs to hide, she can shapeshift into an actual cat as a disguise
* can use healing magic to mend wounds; the strength of this particular magic is dependent on her emotional state and the stability of her magic in the moment
* a common battle tactic is to surround herself in her magic and throw herself at the enemy like a tiny bomb comet

* has a unicorn familiar named ariene (ar-ree-ehn-ay), based off a pink unicorn plushie she owns! this unicorn almost acts as a caretaker to kagami and is very motherly and gentle in nature

* childlike, playful, sweet, pacifistic, bubbly, kind-hearted, honest, not good at lying
* can easily pick up on the emotions of others; whether she knows to ask about what's going on or not is a 50/50 shot
* likes fantasy creatures (esp. dragons and unicorns), plushies, space, animals, stories, flowers, bugs
* really, really doesn't like seeing her friends get hurt :(
* gets skittish around raised voices and exceedingly loud noises. will zoom off to hide somewhere until she deems it safe to come out