


4 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info 
Ear hoodie
Nickname tuffy
Horn nub
Birthday feb. 28th
Tail standard
Species strudel
mutations pupil, plush body, automail, pouch
Gender female
Orientation gay
Occupation plush pet vet
Status nft/s
Worth $45
  • merry-go-rounds
  • sticky!
  • tubby!
  • carnivals and parties
  • bad ear days
  • messy work spaces
  • sick plush pets!
  • burnt cookies
  • based on circus animal bars
  • pls draw her arm according to the ref! she is not a trickster!!
  • she is also writing writing a webcomic

 positive | organized | cuddly | sentimental | hospitable

tuffy has a big heart for any and all. she prides herself in being a fantastic friend and neighbor to many. she really enjoys meeting new people. she is very social and often hosts parties or smaller get-togethers at her house, especially if someone new has moved in. she likes having other midveilers around in general. once upon a time her and her bother (one of my other strudels: tubby!) were inseparable. now that he has his own job and house she likes to fill that brother-shaped void with as many guests as her house can handle. her parties are always a blast though! she is a self-proclaimed party planner...though most of her parties follow a similar pink theme.

 tuffy works as a hardworking plush pet vet. strudels can come to her for anything that ails their fluffy companions, and she does her best to get them back into tip-top shape! she runs this business right out of her house and has the permits to prove it! she even has her very own fuzzy companion, a stitched party bear named sticky. she takes excellent care of her cute lil friend, and in return sticky is equally loyal and loving. the two are cuddle buds! 

her house is always spotless, unless it has been a particularly stressful day at work. in that case needles, thread, and various fabrics strewn about. she really likes to keep a neat workspace...though sticky, as his name implies, is a bit of a troublemaker when it comes to making messes. it does not help that tuffs is also clumsy and can accidentally wind up making a gigantic mess as well.

 she is kinda a hopeless romantic and spends a lot of time fawning over fictional relationships. this is what got her interested in writing in the first place; she would spend hours writing about her otps. she has now begun work on her very own webcomic. it is about as complex as a webcomic written by a strudel can be, but she is very proud of it all the same! she is not the best artist, though one day she would love to hire a whole team of people to make a published comic.

tuffy has many other side jobs and volunteer opportunities that she participates in. she really enjoys keeping busy and having full days. tubby's old room has now been converted into its own bed and breakfast! not only does it fill the space, but she also makes a few crumbs. tuffs also helps pippa and sugar out in their respective jobs. honestly, it does not take much convincing to get tuffy to lend a helping paw...all you gotta do is ask!

tuffy lost her arm when she was made--though she never let it stop her! when her brother scored a job in the space program he was able to get her a repair kit and helped her craft the perfect prosthetic limb! she is forever grateful for her brother's kindness and help. though the limb started out as a classic silver prosthetic it certainly fits her perfectly now! she often puts stickers all over it--she is a sucker for the little things in life, after all! 

tuffy has a strong affinity for anything pink, pastel, or covered in bows or bells. she can be crow-like in nature when it comes to items that fit those descriptions; she stashes them away, claiming to one day use them for crafts projects but they mostly are just for collection purposes. she does have a knack for being crafty though! her line of work has made her exceptional at sewing. she has made all of her own curtains, table clothes, and bed spreads. she finds a lot of joy in diys and decorating her house into a wonderland of pastels and ribbons. she loves having the whole house matching and is always willing to add to her decor with a neat thrift or a new idea!


tubby | brother

truffle loves her twin brother very much. the two use to live together and they are each other's best friends. though he may be in space they still keep in contact by sending letters every single day! tuffy secretly hopes that one day they can live together again...

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.