⛩️​ Yoko ⛩️



4 years, 3 months ago



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Her early years were marked by curiosity, mischief, and an insatiable desire to explore the human world. She learned the art of shapeshifting at a young age, finding it exhilarating to take on various forms and interact with humans. As she grew, Yoko's trickster tendencies became more pronounced. She reveled in playing pranks on unsuspecting humans, often transforming into beautiful women to deceive and amuse herself. Her arrogance grew with her power, and she saw herself as a force to be reckoned with among the supernatural beings.

As Yoko approached her first hundred years, she became aware of the ancient kitsune tradition of gaining power through tail-splitting. Each new tail granted her increased magical abilities, and Yoko eagerly anticipated the milestone. When the time came for her first tail to split, she felt a surge of power coursing through her, fueling her mischievous nature even further.

With each new tail, Yoko's magic grew stronger. She used her abilities to create illusions, control elements, and manipulate emotions, often toying with humans and even occasionally interfering in their affairs. While she reveled in her power, she was cautious not to cross the line into causing physical harm, adhering to the unwritten rules of her kitsune nature.

After centuries of roaming the land, Yoko found herself drawn to a secluded shrine in a tranquil forest. The shrine had fallen into disuse, and Yoko sensed an opportunity to establish her domain. She decided to make the shrine her home, and over time, she became its guardian spirit.

Watching people come and pray at the shrine brought Yoko a unique kind of entertainment. She reveled in observing their hopes, dreams, and pleas, all the while maintaining her deceptive allure as a beautiful woman. Despite her often mischievous behavior, she felt a certain satisfaction in being a source of fascination and inspiration for the humans who sought solace at the shrine.

Yoko's time at the shrine solidified her status as a bit of a loner among other demons and spirits. She preferred the company of koi fish swimming in the nearby pond and the fleeting interactions with humans over engaging with her supernatural peers.

Underneath her mischievous exterior, Yoko harbored ambitions of further expanding her magical power. She knew that reaching the ninth tail would grant her an incredible level of abilities, and she considered the possibilities that came with it. As she continued to watch, trick, and interact with the world, she kept one eye on her long-term goal of reaching the pinnacle of kitsune power. Which - after hundreds of years - she finally reached.


A good challenge, Wind, Money, Fragrance Oil, Lively Festivals, Listening to human Music 


Dogs, Most other demons and spirits, Boredom, Monotony, Unresolved Mysteries


Yoko's little shrine is situated near a tranquil pond, and she takes on  the unofficial role of guardian for the koi fish that reside there. She  secretly uses her magic to protect the fish and maintain the beauty of  the pond.

Yoko has a soft spot for lost souls and those who feel abandoned. She  occasionally guides lost travelers, both living and supernatural, back  to safety, embracing her role as a protector in her own unique way.

Yoko can control and manipulate flames, conjuring them at will. She can  create small flames for illumination, warmth, or to start campfires, as  well as unleash more substantial flames for defensive or offensive  purposes.

Among local legends, Yoko is known as "The Rose Fox" due to her  unique fur pattern. Folklore and stories reference this  distinctive trait, enhancing her mythical reputation.

Yoko has gone by various names throughout history, often adopting names  that reflect the cultures she interacts with. She keeps her true name a  well-guarded secret, known only to those who hold a special place in her  heart.

Her scent of roses might linger in places she's visited, leaving a  subtle magical residue that hints at her presence even after she's moved  on. It adds to the mystery surrounding her whereabouts.

Drawing Notes

She has nine tails

Feral only 

Her fire magic is green

Her eyes can glow green when angry

Rose patterns can glow when using magic or being angry

She is very fluffy 

Pawpads have same color as the nose 


None at the moment


Paid: 2 Characters | Worth: 1.50 $

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HTML Profile by Coywolfy
