Zinon Amai-Everbreath



4 years, 2 months ago



zinon amai-everbreath
zin | zizi | nonnie
april 14th


Being born "blessed" with tumultuous magic that broke up his loving family, Zinon is adopted out to a pair better equipped to handle his power shortly after the accidental murder of his older brother. Unbeknownst to his father, this arrangement would result in Zinon being used for that very same ability, brewing resentment of his "gift." In a desperate plea for autonomy, he leaves his adoptive parents, only to realize he lacked necessary life skills -- after all, why would a tool need that knowledge? Unsure of how to begin, he starts small: mastering himself before tackling his dangerous powers.




Gracious, humble

An individual who constantly holds himself with an air of graciousness, a distinguished exterior isn’t at all befitting of his humble interior. Zinon seems unaffected by his position within Yuelian society. He knows where he came from, unafraid of getting his hands dirty where he needs to. A sharp tongue is reserved to take aim against slimy nobles. He’s more than happy to withhold his grace from those who have proven they’re undeserving of it, although this is rare for him.

Diplomatic, introverted

He possesses a desire to help others as if it’s a duty—he’s at his happiest when doing so. Time thrust into the spotlight has turned him into a calm, confident and diplomatic social navigator, though he needs to step away to recharge before long. Even then, he still stumbles over his words from time to time, a result of childhood anxiety he’s only truly beginning to quell. Metaphors elude him when he’s at his worst.


Incidents in his youth have left him terrified of showing the extremes of his emotions, particularly anger. When—if—his anger does spill over, it’s explosive, sometimes literally. This tendency to bottle and a desire to overcompensate for past wrongdoings can turn him into a doormat at times. Though he’s quick to point out acts of injustice towards others, he often dismisses his own maltreatment as a matter of consequence. Everything happens for a reason, after all. One’s blessings have to run out eventually. Somebody’s bound to be worse off than himself. Praise, too, is usually brushed off.

Distrusting, closed off

A more recent addition to his personality is a sense of distrust, particularly towards those in positions of power. Trust no one. He keeps himself in check for his own tendency to be manipulative in retaliation, gods forbid he be taken advantage of again. He’s got walls to break down, a trait that can make him difficult to get to know to all but a few chosen friends and family.

Loyal, overprotective

Zinon is loyal to a fault with the individuals he does trust, to the point of self-sacrifice. This can verge into overprotectiveness, complete with an unfortunate tendency to act as a mother hen towards his nearest and dearest. He tends to fuss and dote more than he should--a blessing and a curse.


The love he holds is unmistakeable. While his anger comes in extremes, so too does his joy. Though he carries several burdens, he’s proud that his morals and virtues can still shine through, much like the sun peeking through the clouds after a torrential downpour. His kindness remains unparalleled, wanting the betterment of the people he loves at any cost.


Height: 5'6" (167.56cm)
Build: ectomorphic, typical twink
Eyes: clear grey
Hair: pale ash blond
fluffy, wavy bob, sometimes wears it half up, half down
Notes: Reference sheet. Missing pinky & ring fingers at interphalangeal joints on his scarred side. The scar itself is a Lichtenberg figure (warning for irl scarring).

Has a couple of brands tattooed onto him. Hides the one on his chest.

He holds himself like a prince. Very calm, dignified, but keen to show humility.




He possesses an innate ability to control and create all kinds of weather conditions in localised areas, from raging storms to howling gales. Snow and hail are more strenuous for him. This also occurs unconsciously with extreme, unsettled emotions: for example, his rage brings lightning storms, while his sadness comes with rain.

Lightning Manipulation

After some practice, Zinon's learned how to create and bend lightning to his will. Its colour depends on the strength and intent behind it: yellow for little more than static, cyan by default, and violet for extreme vitriol. He can call down lightning strikes to smite, create electricity fields around his hands, and even swap his position with the point where his lightning strikes as a handy form of teleportation. Thankfully, he's immune to its effects.


He's able to propel himself great distances by calling upon stronger winds. Alternatively, he can hover for a duration. He's... not great at this. It's a work in progress.


His adoptive father didn't want Zinon to be solely reliant on magic. Unfortunately, his father's prefered method of practice was to have him spar with his younger brother, Taiyo. Lacking in strength, he relies on his cunning and dexterity to land hits. His weapon of choice is an ornate rapier.




The people of Xadal were too busy battening down for a howling spring storm, instead of gossiping about any births under Yueliang’s twin full moons. For the Everbreath family, this cover was a blessing for other reasons. A working class family of carpenters, they were in no position to cultivate the Zinon’s potential magical prowess. Their prayers were answered: the boy seemed to harbour no ability of his own. Perhaps the storm scared off the gods, they bantered.

His older brother, Xander, worked alongside his parents to make ends meet, under the impression that he too would take up the craft one day. Any expendable income the family had was poured into spoiling the brothers with horse rides through the streets of Xadal on the weekends—memories he cherishes to this day. Not long after his seventh birthday his mother fell pregnant again. This time, it was ill-fated. Pyotr was to be the last arrival in the Everbreath family, his mother passing away in childbirth. With three boys to raise alone with only his grief for company, Zinon’s father soon grew depressed. Money became increasingly scarce, as Xander was relegated to babysitting his siblings while their father became the sole provider.

The two eldest brothers got into a rare, explosive quarrel while Pyotr was being difficult. In his distress, Xander let it slip that he blamed Pyotr for his mother’s death. Zinon retaliated with a screaming outburst of his own. The wind picked up—indoors—a surge of electricity tearing through his palm.

The gods had indeed taken an interest in Zinon, it turns out. Alongside Trebos and Torilia, the storm that raged during his birth had caught the attention of a third witness. The anger in that moment was nothing like he’d felt before—enough to spark the power that had lay dormant within him all these years. His father returned home to find a distraught Pyotr, and a petrified Zinon blubbering alongside his brother’s corpse, a fresh scar marring the boy’s frail body.

Ying City

This foreign power that flowed through him—alongside the rage he felt back then—terrified Zinon. Any confidence he’d gained was replaced with anxiety and tension. He’d convince himself that even his father was keeping his distance from him, paranoia that seemed to be validated by the arrival of a well-off couple from Ying City. Later, the boy would learn that they were humble satsuma vendors who had accrued some wealth of their own. They were philanthropists interested in adopting, having caught wind of the family’s tragic circumstances. An environment of poverty and depression was no environment to raise two boys, after all. Especially not when one of those children was fortunate enough to be blessed under the twin full moons! Remorsefully, his father agreed that the Kuroshita family could offer his children a better life than he ever could. The move was agreed. The family was quick to brand him, as was the case for all children born under the twin full moons. One on his chest, another on the back of his hand. Finally, his status was on show for all to see.

Though he’d lost one brother, fate in the capital brought another his way. Taiyo Kuroshita was a breath of fresh air for the nine-year-old. He quickly learned that he was another magic user, born under the solar eclipse. His exuberant attitude wasn’t quite enough to bring Zinon out his nervous shell. This, and his status as a fish out of water among the upper classes made him an easy target for bullying at school. A new friend managed to quieten their voices, stepping back as soon as he learned to stand up for himself.

As his magical proficiency grew, so did the rift between himself and Taiyo. His parents were quick to praise him, but chastised Taiyo for identical behaviours. Pyotr, too, was overlooked—he didn’t seem to possess any innate ability of his own. Zinon took notice, harbouring a deep guilt within him. He wasn’t special, just lucky. The years passed, and the problem persisted. And over the years the family’s wealth seemed to grow exponentially, too. His parents were elated when Zinon displayed an ability to influence the weather, irrigating the satsumas that they prided themselves on, decreasing the temperature when it was needed—the fruits thrived in cold weather, after all. A drought in Yueliang seemed to improve their finances further, taking the boy from town-to-town to tote his abilities to farmers—for a price, of course. Before long the family could be considered a minor noble house.

As proud as they were, Zinon started to harbour his doubts. This wasn’t right. A curious rummage through financial documentation led him down a rabbit hole once he found his documentation, and a note tipping off an undertaker—the one who had handled Xander’s death. Their bribe brought two requests: that there be no inquest into the circumstances surrounding his brother's death, and that they be given the address of the deceased boy’s family.

The pieces fell into place. Their actions were never out of philanthropy. They wanted to flaunt him—a twin full moon baby—as a status symbol to boost their ranks into nobility. To cultivate his power to use for their own benefit. Pyotr was adopted as collateral, a cover to their story. They only ever wanted him.

The revelation shocked him to his core—he needed to leave. Talking with Pyotr about what he’d discovered, the two made a deal: they’d stay until the younger reached his sixteenth birthday, old enough to receive his inheritance. From there, they’d both abscond from the family. The date rolled around before long; they left a few nights later, leaving Taiyo a note with a profuse apology, and an invitation to join them in Kabe. Xadal brought too many bittersweet memories to the forefront.


Pyotr announced that he wanted to live independently, in a bid to break out from underneath his brother’s shadow and make a name for himself as a performer in the town. Though surprised, Zinon embraced his brother’s wishes. Living modestly compared to their former lifestyle, Zinon’s still trying to process exactly what he went through, still waiting for Taiyo to join him. With the… unfortunate state of Yueliang as it stands, he can’t afford to wait in the wings any longer. He’s back in the fray, fuelled by the rumour that his adoptive parents are bidding for a leadership position amidst the chaos.


  • His voice claim is Alejandro Saab, specifically as Yuri Leclerc. His words are esteemed and rich, though he isn't beyond throwing around the odd curse.
  • The exact cause of his magic is... complicated. A distant ancestor on his mother's side is Kamizu no Batsu, a chieftan of old who attained godhood through facing down Alcyria's feuding elemental gods. This, in tandem with his birth under two full moons, created a 'perfect storm'. She took an interest in her descendant, gifting him a portion of her power. The god's relic, a large gong hammer called Izumiake, has long since been lost to history.
  • The nerves on his scarred side are damaged. He doesn't have much feeling in his extremities, particularly the site around his missing digits. He picked up embroidery during his recovery as a hobby, in an attempt to adjust to the change in sensation.
  • Stemming from the accidental death of his older brother Xander, Zinon has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Immediately following the incident he became selectively mute, speaking only a few words to his remaining brothers. It took him a few years to string together sentences to a wider circle. Reminders of the event still trigger him; his relationship with his magic is still strained as a result. A deep-rooted guilt complex has remained with him at age twenty-four, quick to blame himself for any wrongdoings even if, rationally, he is not the cause. Unfortunately, his go-to coping mechanism for the subsequent depression is drinking.
  • Zinon is a fiend for fine clothing, despite being grounded alongside his elevated status. Corsets, high heeled boots and silks are wardrobe staples. It could be said that he dresses quite femininely. He knows. He doesn't care.
  • He has a bit of a Rapunzel situation going on in that his hair should be a dark brown, the same shade as his late mother. His blonde is a direct result of his magic.



Taiyo Kuroshita [ younger brother ]

Zinon's adoptive younger brother. His attempt to coax Taiyo into escaping a terrible family situation backfired massively. He regards Taiyo as the best part of his adoptive family even now, his bright demeanor easing the pain he felt as a child. The knife in his side twists further, the brother he knew then so far removed from the present, with only himself to blame. Zinon is often drunk on nostalgia for those days, both figuratively and literally.


Lucien DeRosa [ close friend ]

ill update this eventually but tldr they dated and broke up for their betterment but it's fine


Pyotr Everbreath [ youngest brother ]

His darling baby brother. Pyotr's fierce desire for independence clashes with Zinon's own desire to protect and dote on him, but he respects it greatly. Zinon cast a shadow over him during their childhood; he can hardly blame him for wanting to step into the light. He cherishes the memories of their younger years, but his pride in Pyotr's current pursuits is overwhelming, something even he and Taiyo can put aside their feud to agree on.