Greg Thorne



4 years, 2 months ago


Gregory Thorne

27 . male . english-scottish-russian

Dr. Gregory Thorne is a committed as a doctor, loves working, and is completely choleric. At least his entire aura and behavior always comes off as cold and calculated, but eh not all the time. He is brilliantly complicated and an unnerving weirdo. He's usually drably dressed in dark clothes with a turtleneck, consistently and compulsively smoking, and is bespectacled with Horn-rimmed glasses. He's not a very satisfied person and is usually irritable and agitated. Some say he's too depressing, dramatic and negative dampening for the room. Not many people like his company and some are mocking or even frightened by him. In defense, he never trusted them either way as much as they are untrusting of him, so then the feelings are a mutual experience. Did I mention he loves everything about science and medicine?


Name Gregory M. Thorne
Age (at the start of comic) 27
Gender male
Ethnicity eng sct rus
Birthday Nov 13th, 1928 Edinburgh, Scotland
Height 5'11 (180)
Orientation bisexual
Occupation doctor and part-time scientist

  • precision
  • tidyness
  • classical music
  • smoking
  • chocolate
  • being objectively correct

  • loud noises
  • poorly prepared food
  • nonsensical arguments
  • heights
  • Arachnid...
  • heights


  • started off initially as a "fan character" longer agho, by late 2017, greg however became known as greig back then though his appreacnce would change very rapidly and methodically overtime
  • He is totally not based off of real people, and/or ficitonal character amalgamtion HMM
  • he speedruns his entire life : ( and hjis career
  • Sub-plot for the above!
  • he does not feel sympathy of owning animals, execpt for insects he fuckin' loves insects ESXECPT FOR ARACHNIDS
  • He has degradingly inherited the middle name "Maksimillian" (Максимиллиан) he is very emberassed about it all

Design Notes

  • large sharp nose man
  • hard rimmed glasses but he can also wear rounder erm, tortiseshell glasses too, he alsp has a pair of pince nez!.
  • Sub-plot for the above!
  • he talks with his hands a lot but other than that his movements are neuatrally stiff,
  • sometimes he wears black gloves soemtimes he doesnt, his paw?/hands are naturally pale


Now, this is a story not for the faint of heart. there is a fuckload of rambling Need i say more,

greg is a 27 year old male, born in Britain, and of mainly Scottish and Russian descent. He was born November 13th 1928, originally born in the highlands in the region of Aberdeen. when he was around 2-4 his family eventually moved to the tight knit estuary of london. His father Monroe Thorne, was a wwI veteran in the British army and his mother was a simple and lively devushka in her young age. Elizaveta (or also known as eliza) was from a smaller city in northern Yorkshire and was from a large family of several Russian roots since the mid 1800s Greg grew up in a fairly wealthy side of middle-class, to a family of mainly doctors and military folk. He was also the eldest of three siblings his younger brother being Hamish his second brother, and his younger sister Iseabail (who was the youngest out of the three) growing up in his early life, greg was a solemn, easily upset, but was also a very curious and “nerdy” boy.

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code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash