Ami ☼



4 years, 2 months ago


A sea goddess

She is especially fond of foxes. (She finds them to be too adorable)

There is a clan of fox demons that live on her shrine grounds and serve her. When in her presence, they tend to take on their fox forms, since Ami tends to spoil them in that appearance.

She recently took in the fox demon, Kurosa, the nephew of her head shrine maiden Sena, that was being ostracized by the townsfolk due to rumors of him cursing the town. Because Kurosa showed up in town the same day a tsunami struck, combine with his uncommon black fur, the superstitious city dwellers expressed hate towards the fox. Ami knows without a doubt that the fox wasn't linked to it and was at the wrong place at the wrong time. All she can do for the time being is shelter Kurosa within the shrine. Unfortunately, the rumors about Kurosa haven't died down.

With the upcoming celebration of the sea dragon clan patriarch's 200th birthday within the city, an unexpected guest showed up at the shrine. A young half sea dragon named Silve, a grandson of the sea dragon patriarch, had just arrived in the area. To Ami's shock, she learned that Silve was the son of her ex-girlfriend Nioma who she hadn't seen in decades. Apparently, Niomi wanted Ami to give Silve a hand should the clan cause him trouble (as Niomi had left the clan after a falling out with her father, but she still wanted Silve to have a chance to meet his relatives). Ami agrees, but little did she know that Silve was just as much of a troublemaker as his mother, if not worse. And Ami had to step in within a day.

During his stay in the city, Silve would be staying in the fox village on the shrine grounds, as leaving him with the sea dragons would lead to problems. During his stay, Silve notices Kurosa. Even though he had heard the rumors about Kurosa's "curse" when he had arrived in the city, it made him more interested in the fox. Although Ami is glad to see Kurosa get a chance to positively interact with someone unassociated with the shrine. She's also worried that Silve might be a bit too much for the very nervous Kurosa to handle.