🎹 Roo



4 years, 1 month ago


Im Joohyun








30th March










Personality At first glance, Roo is quiet and dismissive. He can come across as rude and stoic, hard to read and unfriendly. A sure bluntness to his personality can make him hard to communicate with aside from conversations about his job or talk of trades. He doesnt like to talk about himself or his personal life, making him hard to understand and read. However below that tightly build shield is a sensative side to him that only comes out with the few people he trusts. He can be goofy and cheeky, sometimes even playful when he is in his comfort zone. Subtle smiles and kind gestures are hard to get out of him as a stranger, but once you gain his trust he is soft and sweet, loving in his own shy way. Although Roo does appear anxious in day to day life, this anxiety doesnt get a hand of him when he is working, he can be brutal and deadly in his workspace and is hard to threaten or scare. Roo is highly intelligent and has gotten away with actions others could only imagine with the correct preperation and security.

Appearance Roo is a petite and slim man. He has a boyish face despite his age, a soft jaw and squishy cheeks. His eyes are catline, and his resting expression can come across akin to a cold glare. He tends to wear baggy fitted clothing and rarely shows off his body with his fashion sense, prefering to stick to muted tones or blues in his dress sense. Roo has a tendancy to dye his hair a range of bright colours, though his current favorite is a dark ocean blue or turquoise.

Instinctive Calculated

Cruel Kind

Deceptive Sincere

Unjust Fair

Indifferent Emotional

Reserved Affectionate

Blinded by the eye that watches

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ante odio, malesuada nec rutrum sit amet, egestas quis enim. Vivamus vel ornare magna, viverra congue augue. Vivamus erat tortor, interdum non sem in, rhoncus pellentesque nunc. Pellentesque sed eros vitae justo lobortis imperdiet id eu dolor. Proin efficitur felis ac commodo congue. Vivamus quis lectus nibh. Sed lacinia odio eget dolor viverra mollis. Suspendisse ultrices auctor neque at efficitur. Nam sed mauris mauris. Aenean massa enim, aliquam ac sapien in, rhoncus tempor magna. Donec eget quam nec felis ornare mattis. Duis semper euismod tellus ut ullamcorper. Fusce et velit et enim commodo lobortis vitae ac mauris. Nulla non enim vitae ipsum consequat tristique.

Vivamus fermentum dui ex. Nulla mollis lorem quis velit viverra, a convallis nunc venenatis. Aenean a eros justo. Nam in nibh sed ipsum volutpat lobortis in sit amet ex. Aenean faucibus dignissim iaculis. Nam efficitur mi sed nulla porta, eu vulputate massa convallis. Aenean ut ipsum a erat lobortis auctor. Vestibulum imperdiet imperdiet lorem non tempor. Cras convallis imperdiet lectus, nec varius est maximus a. Aenean quis lectus eu justo hendrerit auctor. Ut consequat id justo eu tempor. Aenean a eleifend tortor, a eleifend lorem. Vestibulum quis sodales erat. Nulla sit amet volutpat neque. Praesent ligula magna, ornare ac tempor a, convallis eget ex.

Hunger for Poison

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ante odio, malesuada nec rutrum sit amet, egestas quis enim. Vivamus vel ornare magna, viverra congue augue. Vivamus erat tortor, interdum non sem in, rhoncus pellentesque nunc. Pellentesque sed eros vitae justo lobortis imperdiet id eu dolor. Proin efficitur felis ac commodo congue. Vivamus quis lectus nibh. Sed lacinia odio eget dolor viverra mollis. Suspendisse ultrices auctor neque at efficitur. Nam sed mauris mauris. Aenean massa enim, aliquam ac sapien in, rhoncus tempor magna. Donec eget quam nec felis ornare mattis. Duis semper euismod tellus ut ullamcorper. Fusce et velit et enim commodo lobortis vitae ac mauris. Nulla non enim vitae ipsum consequat tristique.

Vivamus fermentum dui ex. Nulla mollis lorem quis velit viverra, a convallis nunc venenatis. Aenean a eros justo. Nam in nibh sed ipsum volutpat lobortis in sit amet ex. Aenean faucibus dignissim iaculis. Nam efficitur mi sed nulla porta, eu vulputate massa convallis. Aenean ut ipsum a erat lobortis auctor. Vestibulum imperdiet imperdiet lorem non tempor. Cras convallis imperdiet lectus, nec varius est maximus a. Aenean quis lectus eu justo hendrerit auctor. Ut consequat id justo eu tempor. Aenean a eleifend tortor, a eleifend lorem. Vestibulum quis sodales erat. Nulla sit amet volutpat neque. Praesent ligula magna, ornare ac tempor a, convallis eget ex.


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