


4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Scientific Name

Profugus Mollusca Sofópian

Average Lifespan

80 years


Physical Characteristics 

Cephalogoes have a variety of different features and abilities, depending on which type of genes they inherit. They can resemble any earth mollusc(land or sea) and some can even look more like a crustacean. The only physical characteristics that never changed throughout the whole species is the bottom half of their anatomy, which have eight tentacles that replace the legs.


Their organs function similarly to most aliens, it's just that they usually have more of them. They usually have six or more pairs of kidneys, two of the pairs are located just below the main heart while the others are located just above the tentacle legs. They also have three hearts that are as big as baseballs, one of them is at the centre of the chest and the other two are beside the centre heart, slightly lower down. They have a miraculous regeneration rate, easily been able recover from physical injuries and regrow missing limbs. They can even regrow missing organs and it usually takes then only ten to twenty minutes for their organ to reappear. They have no platelets in their blood, instead their cells rapidly replicate and replace the injured ones. 

Cephalogoes can be built for a lot of environments and specialise in a lot of niches. Some, mainly the crustacean-like ones, have hard plates on the arms, tentacles, abdomen and top of the head, covering the forehead. Some are better for speed and agility in the water, being able to make great rush down hunters underwater but not so much on land, in fact, some rely on A constant water source to even be on land. A few have the advanced camouflage, colour-changing on the move and texture morphing however the drawbacks of these abilities are mostly that you're physical incapable of defending yourself from predators(they can, of course, hunt but it's heavily reliant on stealth) and have to rely on help from other Cephaloges to flee from danger. This is where a different type of Cephalogo comes in and neatly contrasts their weakness. There are a few that are venomous though sharp, skin-piercing spikes attached to the bottom side of their tentacles. They can completely protect themselves by instantly flipping their tentacles to show their spikes which have enough venom to kill a mid-sized predator. They typically have bright colours although it's mostly just a solid red with nothing else, meaning that, contrary to the Cephalogoes with advance camouflage, they cannot be sneaky at all. Despite these types of Cephalogoes being rare, it's common to find them working together to defend themselves and hunt for food. The spiky, venomous Cephaloges huddle together in a horizontal line, making a barrier of spikes while the stealthy ones attract the threat or prey by flashing their colours and zooming by. 


Average Height: varieties between 5'7ft/170.18cm to 6'3ft/190.5cm

Average Weight: Varieties to the point of where there are no boundaries


For millions of years, Cephalogo, Amphatrons and some unprivileged Drakgoes were(and still are) treated like lesser beings by most Drakgoes, despite both species being capable of overtaking them. Because of that, one of their biggest cultural values is keeping one's mind off of terrible things, they love to entertain each other and play games. One of the common games in their culture is 'Wyvern Ventaning' which is where two teams, of any amount, compete to make the most convening Wyvern statue with as little resources as possible. They also put on plays to tell stories, play wrestle with each other, stargaze, party around a bonfire and even sing to one another as a way of comforting their peers. Obviously, not all of them feel confident in their singing skills so other forms of solacing includes, but is not limited to, hugging, nuzzling(which is done usually when the outside gets cold), showing off, making a rhythmically consistent sound(like tapping) and whistling. They're typically known to be one of the most loving, selfless and empathic aliens despite their situation, being able to notice if someone is upset or in danger and are willing to drop whatever they're doing just to help you. If you're upset and you don't look like you're from their planet or seem to understand their language, they'll try their best to find other ways to ask you "What's wrong?" or other stuff like that, basically they'll be your companion until they have to go. 

At the end of the year, the Ceaphalogoes have a grand celebration, they celebrate another year of life. It usually happens at the centre of Cefiaphia where everyone from all villages go through underground tunnel channels to get there. In Erumperra, there are two general sides, the eastern world and the western world; the western world is where most of the Ceaphalogo population lives. The planet itself is divided into seven segments: Rusida Megalops, Minalopas, Westalogo, Eastnla, Eastago, Cefiaphia and the road to it. Rusida Megalops is the resident of almost all the privileged Drakgoes on Erumperra while Minalopas is a small section of Rusida Megalops that has some small villages inhabiting mostly Amphatrons and unprivileged Drakgoes. Westalogo is one of the two only safe spaces for Ceaphalogoes whereas Eastago is essentially the opposite. Eastnla is just a massive island with tech-savvy Cephalogoes that are safe from the dangers of Rusida Megalops. Then there is Cefiaphia(and road to Cefiaphia) the more well known safe haven for Ceaphaloges and Amphatrons. Cefiaphia came to be when four billion years ago, all the enslaved Ceaphalogo of Rusida Megalops fought back against their oppressors and to an amazingly massive degree, destroyed and overwhelm their forces. They moved to what is now known as Cefiaphia and have been settling there since. 


Unlike Drakgoes, Cephalogoes aren't really that religious or have religions made by them, you can say they did this to spite the privileged Drakgoes. They mostly go neutral morals, or as neutral as they can get on an extremely divided planet. Since their equivalent to 'The Rich' basically runs the planet, they're technically equal to the lower class, or middle if they live in a village and/or are not exploited by the Drakgoes in the volcanoes. They really dislike people who act like they're better than everyone and if you push a Cephalogo to the limit, they will probably end up injuring you, either on purpose or on 'accident'. No matter what species of alien you are, if you remind them of the snobbish Drakgoes that live lavish lives up in the volcanoes, they'll hate you. Cephalogoes believe in equality in the scene that you're no better then anyone else.



Cephalogoes that were descendant of those enslaved by the Drakgoes essentially spoke a purposely broken version of the their language. They referred to it as 'Druggnjo', a mispronunciation of Drakgo. The language was made in protest against the aliens that enslaved and oppressed them. Their was also a variation used as a way to send messages without the Drakgoes understanding it.


While Cephalogoes can vary in abilities, they are commonly living around rivers and floodplains because of their need for water.

