Sen Yue



4 years, 1 month ago



Name Sen Yue
Age 30
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Sprinkle Kitty
Role Fashion Designer & Part-Time Runway Model
Value $20


Personality: + Professional, + Organized, + Punctual | = Prideful, = Competitive | - Distant, - Harsh Critic, - Strict

Yue is a high class member of society from an influential family. He grew up in a strict household where prestige and image means everything, but was taught that just because one was born into prestige does not mean they are prestigious. Through vigorous schooling, those in the Moon Cake family are expected to uphold a standard if they wish to stay in the family. Those who do not meet the requirements are disowned. So growing up, Yue was constantly taught to be the best, to be perfect because anything less is a disgrace. However, he understands that there are limitations since it's not as if they are gods or deities who can defy the laws of nature. Yue's current status and standing among his family and society is gained through his own work, so he absolutely abhor people who are handed their status on a silver platter. He has more respect for servants who are masters at their job than high class sprinkits who were given their prestige. Since he grew up in a ridged family, Yue is not the warmest sprinkit around. Duty and responsibility are his priorities rather than personal relationships.

Yue studied fashion and design and had kick started his career with modeling first before expanding and opening up his own brand. After years of experience and interning under many luxury brands, he started his own: Lunar Sentury. The fashion is inspired by Earth's traditional East and Southeast Asian aesthetics (Primarily Chinese, but includes inspirations from other Asian countries as well).

While typically confident in his work, he has an inferiority complex with his cousin, Mutan. The two have a good relationship, but despite that, Yue finds himself annoyed that the other sprinkit manages to always one up him.

Food Lotus Moon Cake
Rarity Uncommon
Weapon 2-Prong Dessert Fork
Relationship Status Single
Likes Fashion, order, punctuality, hard work, passionate people, perfection, success
Dislikes Mistakes, laziness/sloth, greed, failure

Fun Facts:

  • His first name is Sen, but he goes by Yue. Only those close to him or family calls him Sen.
  • Despite his upbringing, Yue is not condescending in nature. He does not like to use his title/class as an advantage over others
  • While Yue is strict when it comes to his own standards, he's quite open minded regarding creativity.
  • He believes fashion is a wonderful expression of passion and creativity, and so he doesn't particularly hate any fashion style per say, but he does have designs he like and dislike
  • Absolutely hate showing weakness hence his distant and strict demeanor.
  • Loves to follow a routine because his routines are meant to be perfect. He even takes into consideration of anything that could possibly go wrong.
  • Always has a plan B... and a plan C... and a plan D
  • Likes to make doll clothes. He finds it therapeutic
  • Does not have "friends" but has many acquaintances. He networks well because he can be polite and charismatic if the situation calls for it.
  • Is jealous of how easily Mutan is able to connect with others.

"Everything must be perfect, no excuses."

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