


4 years, 2 months ago


NAME | Finnick Dull

AGE | 23 (?)

HEIGHT | 5'10''

GENDER | Male (he/him)

SEXUALITY | Pansexual  


MAHOU TITLE | The Headless BroomMan

OCCUPATION | Broom Mechanic

NOTICEABLE SKILL | Magical Machinery



Nothing dull about him, Finn is an optimistic young man who offers a friendly face to all that come by his workshop. Always willing to help and is always up for a challenge! He is however, tragically forgetful, even beyond his amnesia. He'd forget his own head if he didn't keep it bandaged on, and he has on multiple occasions, he is often seen with a notepad or post-it notes, rapidly taking notes to commit things to memory and can be a bit clumsy to boot. He's organised chaos in the form of a man. He is also notably naive and and his kindness can lead to him getting walked over, please be nice to him.


Finnick is an amnesiac and so doesn't recall any of his life before Mahou Wando and even then, his beginnings here are fuzzy to him. As far as he remembers, he just kinda showed up in the realm, armless and headless. He found asylum but had essentially had to start a new life with what little he knew about the world and himself. An arm would be nice, he thought so he began to tinker, making himself a prosthetic powered by his natural dullahan magic of reanimation and he didn't stop there. He began to get really into it, tinkering with anything he could find and eventually getting people coming to him to fix things. This led him to the magical world of brooms which he'd always admired for their design and prowess. Bet he could make one ... and so he did! And he did not stop there.


  • His hair is naturally black! He just dyes it, blue is his favourite colour.
  •  He doesn't bleed, he just kinda ... fumes from any cuts or scratches he gets. He just covers them with plasters until they slowly heal.
  •  His workshop is organised chaos too, mind your step.
  •  Whilst he's pretty sure that his first name is Finnick, he really has no idea what his surname is. He just made that one up for legal documents, get a load of this tax paying law abiding boy.