UFO's Comments

I can offer $100, I also have characters I’d be willing to trade! They’re all available but Quiettide!

I would be willing to accept this! Would you trade https://toyhou.se/26102513.shyfawn as well?! <3

Oh, sorry, I meant either or! But if you want both, I could offer $50 and Shyfawn? :’) Or just Shyfawn and another adopt, or just the $100, lol. I should have clarified!

Or if you’d like, you can make your own little bundle! Shyfawn + Honeydawn + $25, type of thing. :)

Ah! Sorry i didnt read that correctly! Unfortunately i will have to decline as 100 is well below what i would take for her. Thank you for the offer regardless! <3

That’s fine! If she’s still available in a few days, I’ll have gotten paid and can offer the $100 and Shyfawn if you’re still interested! <3

If shes still open yes! I have had another offer on her as well! <3

1 Replies

is she on hold still ? ^_^

Shes ufo still! <3

ahh amazing! how much usd would you consider at min?

Minimum atm would be 140 gbp! <3

i glanced at her other comments! pondering on that, but i was wondering if anyone interested you to lower the price ^_^ just asking first hgwhkh

Is there anyone you would specifically want to offer? <3

4 Replies

i’d love a ping if you consider offers!

She’s actually Ufo rn! Im looking for around 140-160 if possible! Can look at payment plans as well! <3