Basil Williams 🩹 Avenger



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Basil Williams

Gender: Male

Age: 34 (As of 2024 in MCU timeline)

Height: 6’

Voice claim: Red Guy from dhmis 😔👊

Nationality: British

Occupation: Tony Stark’s personal assistant (formerly), superhero, healer

Hero alias: Ichor

Powers: Pain manipulation, healing powers, empath

Power description: Can feel and manipulate the emotions of others, as well as cause physical sensations. He finds pain (for physical) and fear (for emotional) to be the easiest things to control and inflict. However, he can make someone feel any physical or emotional sensation he wants, be it positive or negative. It is more effective if he knows what he is inflicting actually feels like (I.E. has experienced it himself).

To feel what someone else is feeling physically he needs to be in fairly close proximity to them but actually being able to touch the other person will yield the most effective results. He doesn’t have to touch someone to know how they’re feeling but the further away he gets from someone the more difficult it gets. Anymore than half a mile away from someone and he can no longer feel what they are feeling unless he really concentrates, then he can go up to just over a mile (though it’s very tiring and he can’t maintain that distance for long)

Can heal wounds but the drawback is that the wound will appear on his body in the same spot, leaking golden blood that dissipates into thin air. This can last anywhere from a couple hours to a couple weeks depending on the severity of the wound. He will also experience the pain of the injury, though to a lesser degree.

Can only heal minor illnesses such as a cold or the flu. This is something he tries to avoid doing as it just makes himself sick instead. His healing powers do not work on himself.

Whenever he activates his healing powers, his hands become encompassed by a soft golden light. His eye also glows when he uses his powers. His blind eye does not glow.

Well honed flexibility, speed, stamina, and reflexes. Skilled in hand to hand combat, but is more proficient with a weapon (his choice being his sword).  

Power class: Alpha level mutant 

Weapon: Expanding staff / sword. Stored in a specially designed holding chamber in the forearm of his right prosthetic arm. Depending on which end of the shrunken rod he clicks, they will either turn into a staff or a sword. 

Tony also fixed his prosthetic arm with repulsor blasts.  

Affiliations: Avengers, Xavier Institute (formerly)

Friends: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Stephen Strange (friends with pretty much all the Avengers but these are the few he is closest to). Also has a soft spot for Peter Parker 

Personality: Very dry and deadpan sense of humor (a side effect of spending too much time with Tony Stark). Not great with expressing his emotions. Afraid of getting too close to people since he never had any friends until his late teens and fears it's all a dream or that they'll leave (however he is fiercely loyal to Tony and sees him as a sort of father figure, though he would die before admitting that). Because of this he tends to keep up an aloof, sometimes rude, persona in the hopes that it will keep people away. Despite all of this he still cares too much and loves too deeply.

Bio: Born in a small English town to parents who dumped him  immediately after his birth because they didn't want to 'deal with' a child with only one arm. Spent his early years in an orphanage but was kicked out at the age of six due to his developing powers. Fended for himself on the streets until he was 9, when he was the victim of an anti-mutant attack and received the scar on his face. Following this event, he was rescued and moved to the Xavier Institute at the invitation of Professor X. There he learned to hone and control his powers. While out on a mission at age 18 he was kidnapped and separated from his team. He was kept him at a base and tortured, which included removing his right leg. Eventually he was put onto a jet in order to move to a new location. While in transit he managed to escape from his captors and jumped from the plane in an attempt to get away, even if it meant he had to die. However he never hit the ground, instead crashing onto the roof of Stark Tower. He was found by Tony, who decided to take him in and heal him. Eventually, Tony, in all his eccentricity, came up with a deal for Basil. He would  make him new artificial limbs, on the agreement that Basil would then work for him. Basil, afraid to return to the Institute as well as feeling indebted to Tony, agreed and became Tony's new assistant. After the events of the first Avengers movie, Basil began training alongside the team. 


- Always ducks his head or covers his mouth whenever he smiles or laughs because he hates the way it looks on himself. 

- The eyepatch is entirely optional, he pretty much only wears it when he fights. 

- Farsighted in his good eye, needs glasses but almost never wears them.

- Smokes weed in an effort to dull the constant physical and emotional sensations he feels due to his powers. It only kinda works.

- Excellent cook, also great at household chores. Not to mention he enjoys doing those things, he finds the mundanity relaxing.

- Tony will call him by any herb name except Basil. Parsley, dillweed, oregano, bay leaf.

- Loves anime. Definitely keeps anime plushies on his bed. Favorite genres are slice of life, fantasy, and isekai (which he is admittedly picky with).

- Tends to suffer from psychosis. It typically manifests during times of high stress or anxiety but it can occur at any time (his depression and trauma don’t help the situation either).