
Pale Bark

Continuing Nature's legacy

Name: Pale Bark
Nickname:PB, Pal
Breed:  Fantailed Nature Cat / Spring Nature Feline / Tree Cat / Fairy Cat / Nature Spirit Cat / Sprouting prehensile creature
Role:  Sukkah's kitten

Pale Bark is a little shrub tailed kitten with many ties to most of the older and biggest nature feline families out there. She loves spending time with her aged grandmother Blushing Bloom and hearing about her namesakes, Great Aunt Pale Flower and Great Uncle Tangled Bark who have both passed on.  She's got alot of family and alot of love from everyone.
She keeps a heart flower to remind her of her mother since she lives with her father now.

She's much bigger then her smaller cat daddy.

Size:  Larger then a normal cat (from big cat blood, her mother had the build of a lioness!)
Fur Type:Green parts are caused by   moss, her cream and white fur is much softer
Tail:   Fan shaped bush, extra leaves stick out of her sticks 
Heart Flower like her Mum's, she cant grow them -  she just wears it to remember her by.

 Fan Tail Bush: 
  Pale Bark grows a small leafy bush in the shape of a 'fan', its a mutation from her grandmother Petal Dancer.

Created: 4/20/20 in a breeding result by WoofWoof-Adopts Cub for Out-of-Temportalspace
Art Value: 0.25

