Echo Dizeno


Basic Info


Alien [Teal Hair in Buns*, Green Skin, Purple Eyes, Pointed Ears]


Purple Shirt w/ Black Overall Shorts & [Space] Boots


Glow Ring & Small Magnet Ring

Farm Name


Dog [ Great Dane ]


Chicken Coop 1

Fracki, Tapi, Neppa [White] and Guko [Brown]


Rusty Key, Skull Key





In my first/only game in March 2019, Echo was "Izzi Dizeno", a purple Alien with the triple bun hair still in teal. She was based off of my Sailor Telescopium and named after the friend who gifted me the game.   I was going for Sebastian but since the dialogue of the game hinted at a relationship between Sebastian/Abigail, I dropped him and turned my attention towards their friend Sam- who I actually found to be really great! However, that's also my dad's name, and I shortly there-after lost interest in the game because I didn't want to start over when I was almost finished with my first year.

Finally convinced, I picked the game back up again March 2021 and am grinding my heart out! Also as I've since realized/came out as Bi and am 100% on the train for Abigail since day one so that I wouldn't have to deal with any underlining relationships that might still be in-game.   

All character interactions that I like or have headcanon'd can be found in the "Things I Want To Draw!" tab to the left.