


4 years, 4 months ago


Flashfire is one of the ponies who grew up in Somber Stings Class. Her father is a well known firefighter for Ponyville and even as a filly have gained status and popularity, due to her family name and association with heroism by others. Being seen as a brave figure by the younger ponies in her class, Flash was always run to whenever they had a problem or felt as if they were in danger. Thats how she met Somber. 

Fillies ran to her because they were afraid of her, and asking her to protect them from what they all refered to her as, "EverFreak". Flash knew that Somber wasnt causing anyone harm, she just looked different from the rest of them. Sure she aas a bit scary looking, even she knew that, but that didnt mean she wasnt supposed to be treated fairly. Flash tried to talk to her sometimes, even if Somber refused to respond to her out of resentment. Flash understood why. Flash was liked by nearly every pony around her, meanwhile Somber never had any real friends. She had a valid reason to dislike her, she can only assume that Flash was like the others. 

Though after a while, Somber slowly began to talk back, and eventually, Flash became her very first friend. 

Nowadays, Flashfire inherited her father's title as head Fire Marshall and now runs the station. Shes still respected by all and even has a few life saver moments under her belt. Shes become fantastic at her job but because of it has slowly fallen out of touch with Somber and had no idea what she was up to until she heard about her mother Velvet Loves death, and that she was now leaving town due to the prejudice she was experiencing.

She only saw her once after that, and wonders if shed ever return to Ponyville.