Lucian 'Lucas' Nupchel



4 years, 1 month ago


"You're all so boring..."

Lucas likes to act innocent and childlike at first, but can slip into a snarkier and ruder demeanour at a moment's notice. He constantly makes jokes at the expense of others, and he's an amazing liar. He gets lonely and bored easily, and when confronted with emotions, be it his own or others, he mostly just runs away.

He's not afraid to be rude, or tease people, even if it means he gets hurt. He can act a bit creepy, too- not in a perverse way, but he acts oddly to purposely throw people off by laughing instead of groaning in pain when hurt or fighting back. Due to his ability and past, he has little grip on the concept of 'himself'.

Positive Traits

  • Perceptive
  • Cheerful
  • Forgiving

Despite his general... everything, he's a surprisingly forgiving person. He doesn't tend to hold grudges, especially if the person in question was driven by anger.

Negative Traits

  • Untrustworthy
  • Paranoid
  • Impatient

His hesistance to trust has lead to him only really having friend, Cass. He makes an effort to annoy people if he's bored.


Introvert Extrovert
Sensing Intuition
Thinking Feeling
Judging Perceiving


  • Gets cold easily
  • His favourite animals are bats
  • Likes sweet food, can't handle spicy foods
  • Has an animal motif of butterflies
  • Gets sick a lot
  • Hates being trust, only alright with Cass touching him unprompted

Graceful // Melodramatic // Expressive

Lucas is often described as a youthful-looking teenager. He usually wears loose clothing over some warmer garments during Winter, a pair of fingerless gloves, and dislikes wearing shoes. He has long blonde hair tied up in a low ponytail. His demonic heritage shows in a few places, mainly his eyes (bright red and blue/green), his tail, his pointed ears, slightly pointed canine teeth, and the illusions that resemble horns and wings that he always seems to have active.

distinguishing features

  • Red-blue eyes
  • Illusionary horns
  • White freckles

design notes

  • Horns have no consistant size
  • Hair flicks out at the ends
  • Mimics the mannerisms of those around him




Criminal Spirit mark





Can create illustions within a short range and mimic people's voices.

Lucas can cast illusions on himself to shift how he looks. He can also do this to inanimate objects. He can also mimic people's voices. It only works on objects as long as he's within five metres of them. Keeping up bigger illusions for too long, like appearing as a person he knows, is tiring. All illusions get temporarily vanquished when he's hurt or surprised. He sometimes subconsciously shifts his appearance into that of the person who’s on his mind (such as an enemy, friend, mysterious person, or crush).

Memory link

Can share past experiences with another through touch.

Lucas can share his own memories with a willing partner. These memories can be visual, auditory, and sensory. He can choose to just show the visuals and sounds, or the senses as well. The memories have to be his own experiences. When transmitting memories, he relives the experience as well. He has to be touching his partner during the whole process in order to succeed. The memory can last for a maximum of five minutes. During the effect, both he and his partner are unresponsive to outside stimuli and vulnerable to any attacks. Once he’s transmitted a memory, he’ll be unable to cast any other magic for as long as the memory lasted. Once the memory is over, for a short period of time, he will still be in the mindset that he just experienced the memory (for example, if he transmitted a memory from when he was a child, he’d believe that he was still a child).

Magic disabling

Can nullify magic effects by touch.

Lucas can halt magic such as attacks and passive effects if he’s touching the caster. This requires conscious effort and he cannot use any other magic while doing this. This ability drains him greatly. It requires conscious effort and deactivates all illusions he has active. This requires him to be directly touching (skin contact) the target, and the effect stops if contact is broken.

Full name Lucian Charles Nupchel
Age 16
Birthday 12th January
Species Demon
Gender Demiboy (Transmasc)
Orientation Bisexual (Male lean)
Motivation Unknown
Mental State
Fears Poison, betrayal, tight spaces
  • Laughs when scared or hurt
  • Doesn't like wearing shoes
  • Makes his voice higher than it is naturally on purpose
  • Mimics the mannerisms of the person he's talking to, almost to an unnerving degree
Height 5'3
Build Skinny
Eyes Red/green
Hair Pale blond
Complexion Pale
Voice High-pitched, slightly nasual
Education Homeschooled
Religion Content
Career N/A
Language Content
Pacifist Aggressor
Defense Offense
Magic Melee
Code by equasia24