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Araylea Bato




Araylea Bato excitable motivated sweet
array, lea, birdy (luca only)
adult (late-20's)
cis female (she/her)
hellhound(orthrus) / harpy
bisexual biromantic
fit, light
hell explorer

Array isn't a difficult girl. She's excited and peppy, full of endless 'puppy energy', as her brother puts it. It's only steered her wrong once! A bad accident resulted in her losing one of her heads- but it's okay, because she's still got one that counts! Plus- now other hellhounds don't treat her as... oddly, for having an extra head! She grew fur out over the scarring, and wears a collar to hide where it's the worst. In her humanoid form, there's a nasty scar that spans from the side of her face all the way down her to her shoulder joint, but she doesn't pay it much mind.

She works in Hell, joining explorer groups in documenting what's out there. Her parents own a company that manufactures the equipment used in some of these expeditions, so she's always bringing some free gear for her groups. If she can get in, learn something new, and get out- without having to fly back any injured members of her party? That's a successful trip! Due to her brother's soft nature, and the gentle way she was raised- she does care a lot about the wellbeing of others, especially those she is working alongside for extended periods of time.

She is a bit... spoiled, though, and tends to not understand the value of a lot of things. Do NOT ask her for any help with money problems, or trying to sort out the importance of items, because she will have... no idea how to help you. Is it a good chew toy? Then it's important! Is it stinky? Get rid of it! She has... a very silly idea of value.



older brother! she loves him to bits, and is soooo grateful to him for helping her while she was growing up! in exchange for him raising her, she brings him fun stuff she finds.


their relationship is.. fine... she doesn't like them very much, but the allowances are nice!