Aries Kennedy




Aries Kennedy

name Aries
alias Weasel
age 21
gender Male | He/Moon/Star
height 6'1
orientation Pansexual
species Kalon
role Student
theme ( )

obtained Gift
status nft

Aries is a new college student living in a studio apartment with his friend Fawkes. His soft british accents shows through when he says certain words, and he often laughs about it. Aries is very closed off about his mental health and really any problems he is having, his closest friends don't even know the extent.

Aries is often described as oblivious or dumb, thought he's trying his best and is doing well in school. His personality is really just "big and bumb but sweet". Moon enjoys cuddling but only with close friends. He is very interested in art and animation and is considering majoring in it. When he's not at school he spends most of his time hanging out with his friends.

  • Soft blankets
  • Cosplay
  • Saying words/names multiple times
  • High pitched noises
  • Water
  • Thunder storms

educated ignorant
empathetic logical
organised messy
honest insincere

Design Notes
  • His hair can be down or pulled back more
  • He wears colored contacts sometimes
  • Can be drawn in cosplays, mainly among us [black or purple]