$45 or trade



4 years, 29 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$40 - $45


old info from og owner in the spoiler box

new info tbd yoohoo


Hosting parties for the world's elites! This white rabbit got run over by a truck on his way to wonderland...

Fun Factoids!
Bone ended up growing over his mask which resulted in his mask only half functioning. Like how his ribcage bones can extend to protect his core; the once small bones on his face morphed to protect his face from an oncoming punch. Unfortunately he still got socked pretty hard which resulted in his mask malfunctioning.
He's charismatic and yet a bit uhhhhh nutty. When he says something offlandish guests have a hard time telling if he's serious or joking
Any smile he gives would be crooked and he speaks with a lisp, that and he seems to have a perpetual eye infection...
He's actually fairly old! He's been partying since the start! Despite this he goes by he nickname Sonny or just Jack.
Jackson is actually quite disillusioned by the whole hedonism stick and doesn't like alot of his pompous guests