Libellula 💜



4 years, 24 days ago


💜 Princess Libellula ‘Bella’ 💗

- The daughter of Queen Chrysalis and Princess Velvet love ‘Velvet’

- A flirtatious, charming, femme fatale- like, half changeling royal

- Definitely feeds off the love of those she flirts with, not a monogamous type of gal, prefers flings to deep, emotional relationships 

- Possibly insecure about feeling unworthy of such love but ssshh don’t let anyone know that

- Chaotic Neutral: not necessarily evil, not necessarily good. Who’s side is Bella on? It varies from moment to moment; whichever benefits her the most at the time.

- Definitely has some hidden insecurities when it comes to being half-changeling, especially towards her sister Flurry Heart, who is adored by the ponies, while Bella is mostly, not necessarily feared, just not trusted.

- Bella probably thinks ‘if they’re going to view me as an untrustworthy, deceitful Changeling, than that’s who I’m going to be’

- Probably has a good heart deep deep under all that cunning, mysterious femme fatale facade 

- Personality Inspo: CatWoman (DC) Black Widow (Marvel), Meg (Hercules), Madame Satan/Lilith (CAOS), Double Trouble (She- Ra) + China Sorrows (Skulduggery Pleasant) 

- Headcanon Voice: Jessica Rabbit


Ok, I re-watched MLP during quarantine and just had to get a comfort/ random pony character, just for the nostalgia haha. The wedding episode with Cadence and Chrysalis has always been my favourite, so Here’s Bella!!Â