Luina (HOLD)



4 years, 26 days ago


8 months
Pride role
Fyto - cultivator

Life's Meant to be Fun!

Luina is a happy-go-lucky lioness, ready to live life to the fullest. She's always optimistic, and seeks to find the silver lining in everything, even when she has to dig for it. It's not always easy to be positive, but it's way more worth it than to be pessimistic all the time. Can you imagine being grumpy when you can be happy instead? It's just unthinkable!
         Luina isn't as loyal as she likes to be. Though she loves her pride, and her family, she goes with her gut whenever a difficult decision arises. This has led to a few situations when she directly disobeys an order, seeing a 'better way to do things.' She hasn't earned the best reputation, but hey, at least she's not hanging out with the Pride of Shadow. (Those guys are creeps.)
         She is also... she wouldn't use the word 'ditzy,' but honestly that's the right word to use here. Luina doesn't always absorb information, and as such, she's not the sharpest claw on the paw, if you know what I mean. Still, she has a good heart.
Luina began life as the offspring of a relationship between Ravah and an unknown lioness. Her mother and brother died not long after she was born, but her mother lived just long enough to give Luina her name. Ravah, heartbroken, took Luina back to Summitfall, where she grew and thrived.
         When Luina was a little over two moons old, a portal opened in the middle of the Summitfall camp. Ichyr, Subira, and Ravah chose to go through and assist the Trinity Tree. Luina, not wanting to be left behind, ran after her father through the portal. It led them to Ikaika, an underground city sheltered underneath the roots of the Trinity Tree. Luina was amazed at the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes to discover in Ikaika, and she excitedly explored as much of the city as she could. Unfortunately, due to a midnight ambush of the hiamoe, Luina was knocked out and put into a coma for a full twenty-four hours. During the rest of her time there, Kadiki took special care of Luina, and made sure she kept out of trouble.
         Luina seemed to recover from her injury and was brought home as soon as possible, but side effects soon began to show. Luina began wandering off by herself to the farthest edges of the territory; when confronted, she would be just as confused her rescuers. Her concerned father brought Luina to Carob, who diagnosed her with brain damage from being hit in the head too hard, and that there was nothing to be done. Ravah decided to bring her to Tinder and Momuso's Sanctuary, in the hopes that the limited area would keep Luina from wandering off. The forcefields did their job, and Luina soon made friends with the other cubs there and enjoyed hanging out with Tinder, who was like a surrogate mother.
         But the time came when Luina was too old to continue living at the Sanctuary any longer. Ravah brought her back to Summitfall, and after many careful discussions, Yang appointed Luina as a fyto. With Carob there to keep an eye on her, the job had the least risk. Luina grew to love her job, working with the herbs and keeping everything running smoothly. Interestingly enough, the knowledge she learned from her work in the herb fields was the one thing that she never lost.


Life is meant to be enjoyed!

Luina's greatest enemy is her recurring amnesia. Ever since she was knocked out by a hiamoe in Ikaika, she's had little blips where she doesn't remember anything at all, sometimes even her own name. This has led to instances where she has ended up in a completely random part of the territory (or even outside the territory) without her realizing it. When she returned from Ikaika and her amnesia started to become more and more of a problem, Luina was temporarily rehomed to Tinder and Momuso's Sanctuary, where she couldn't wander off because of the forcefields surrounding it. She made lots of friends with the other cubs, especially the orphans Tinder found in the Akhset Desert. Ravah visited her every day, and though he felt so bad for what had happened to Luina, Luina doesn't mind. Life always has obstacles, and though hers is a little tougher than most, she still manages to be happy and live life to the fullest every single day.

The Fyto

Luina is a fyto, a lion that tends the herb fields. She watches the plants, making sure they receive enough water and sunlight, then harvests them when they're ready. Fytos dry and prepare herbs for storage as well as grow them. She also works closely with the myalos to keep the pride's medicine supplies stocked. The work isn't easy; fytos have to dig canals for water, plant and tend to herbs, and dry them in the sunlight.
         Luina originally wanted to be an iskro, and be granted an elemental ability of her own. Unfortunately, after her accident, her amnesia became too big of a barrier for her to pursue that profession anymore. Luina began training for every job she could, from anaziti to piazon to filoksen and even myalos. But her amnesia kept her from learning the skills needed for each of these jobs.
         And so Luina returned to the Sanctuary for a time, knowing nowhere else she could go. Tinder had long talks with Luina about her options, and even offered a permanent position at the Sanctuary if she wanted it. Luina politely turned her down, insisting that she wanted a role that kept her in Summitfall territory. Tinder then suggested that Luina become a fyto; the work wasn't too hard, simple enough, and there would be other lions to keep an eye on her in case she started wandering off again. After careful thought, Luina decided that Tinder was right. Yang agreed, and now Luina works the fields with the other fytos, helping to keep the pride healthy.

After the dealings with the Trinity Tree, Luina isn't quite sure what to believe. The one thing she knows for certain is that gods do exist in certain places, and that they are more powerful that she had first realized.
         Luina shares in the pride's belief that historical figures walked so the next generation could run. She enjoys hearing tales of the lions of old, especially Sekhmet and Inyango's battles against the Pride of Shadow (though Ichyr gets a bit uncomfortable listening to those). Manticores and lions battling for the fate of the world; for Luina, there's no better story to listen to.
         Call her polytheistic if you will, but Luina is actually interested in the beliefs of Tanger's old pride, the Rukai Pride. She's fascinated by Helios and Lumos, and when she was little, she often pretended with the other cubs that she was Helios, and another was Lumos, or vice versa. They would chase each other around for hours, and contradictory to the story, sometimes they caught one another. Still, it was all in good fun.

Her Den

The fytos' den is split up into multiple little caves, with room for each fyto inside. There's also a common room, where fytos often gather to discuss current happenings or the day's work. Luina's room is filled with all sorts of forgotten treasure from her wanderings, with items originating from Ikaika to the Pride of Wikimak. She's collected seashells from the shores of Wikimak when she visited the Wikimak side of Azure's family. Luina has a few of the Trinity Tree's fallen leaves that she collected before she left Ikaika. Kadiki gave her a copy of a scroll in Ikaika's Ancient tongue, which Luina is still attempting to decipher (it makes for great entertainment on wintry days). The walls themselves are made of smooth, gray-speckled white stone, with little flecks of silver in them. Her cot itself is of feathers and moss, along with heather springs to help it keep its shape. There are little bits of fur in the moss from Luina's shedding; summer's nearing, and that winter pelt won't keep her cool!

Luina's greatest fear is misery. She hates sickness, disease, death, and anything else that hinders joy. She can be a bit overprotective, not wanting her family to leave and head off into dangerous situations, but she knows they have to. It's rough for her, knowing that at any moment she could be hit over the head with bad news, but Luina doesn't let that stop her from being happy. It's just not worth worrying about, she tells herself over and over. Still, the worst moment was when she found out the news that her birth mother was dead. Even though Luina hadn’t met her, she still felt devastated when she had received the news.
Luina's greatest dream is being able to raise a family in safety and joy. She longs to find a mate and have cubs of her own, though she knows that it will be a while before she ends up with her dream. Still, she's content to wait for her cubs and mate until the time is right. Cross-pride affairs aren't worth her time, and yet... there doesn't seem to be anyone in Summitfall yet that's just right for her. Luina wishes it could happen sooner, but she knows love can't be rushed. If it is, it often has disastrous results.





Luina absolutely hates being bossed around. She doesn't like to be given orders, and would much rather order around other lions than vice versa. In her work as a fyto, she often has to submit to higher-ranked lions, which she despises. If it had been up to her, she would have been standing right there beside them, arrogant jerks. The one lion she can stand being ordered around by is Ravah. There's just something about her dad doing it that makes it tolerable. But if anyone else tries, they'll quickly discover the dark side of this otherwise optimistic and chipper lioness.
Luina's name loosely translates to 'loose mountain rock', or 'scree', from her birth mother's native tongue. Though Luina has never met the one who named her, she agrees that the name is fitting. Her mottled pelt does resemble scree. All she knows about her littermate is that he or she was named from the same tongue as Luina. Luina tries to live up to the name and be as strong and unmovable as a mountain, though she does have other goals. It inspires her to be the best lion she can be, and to do her best for her mother's memory. How Luina misses her now...
Luina knows that if someone gets themselves into mortal danger, she'll always spring into action to save them. It's not easy, having to be the hero all the time, but her morals require her to save as many lions as she can, even in her own weakened state. She enjoys taking the time to help others, though she may not always help the lions her pridemates want her to help. There have been multiple instances where she's helped foreign lions that her pride-mates would have rather left to fend for themselves. One time, Luina came across an orphan cub right outside Summitfall borders, in the Great Pass. She was amnesic at the time, so she didn't remember picking up the cub and trekking all the way back to camp with the little one hanging by its scruff. It was quite a surprise to turn up at camp with a cub! Tinder volunteered to take care of the little thing, and though Luina doesn't feel any maternal attraction to the cub, she still thinks it's pretty cute.


When Luina was just entering into her teenage years, she wasn't that interested in love. She had hopes that she would find a mate someday, but for now, that wasn't her main priority. She was focused on working through her amnesia and landing whatever job she could. As a new fyto, she didn't spend much time in camp, so she didn't socialize that much except for with the other fytos.
         When she finished her training and became a permanent fyto, Luina had to go into the filoksen's den and sign a few forms for the archives. Slate wasn't there; she had headed out to the Sanctuary to teach the cubs there how to write with one of their claws. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the den, and Luina was just about to leave when Raban came out to assist her.
         Luina had never seen anyone so handsome. His dark eyes, aquamarine mane, ink-stained claws, majestic antlers. All of it added up to the most amazing lion she'd ever met. He was just her age, too, just a couple moons older than she was. And he was from Ikaika, a place she had been able to visit when she was just a young cub. Raban didn't notice Luina's affections as he helped her work through the paperwork. When he went back into the archives to update the scrolls there, Luina almost swooned as she headed out the door.
Luina found the love of her life, though he didn't exactly know it at the time. Raban was still oblivious for a large amount of time, too busy with his scrolls and stories to realize that he had a not-so-secret admirer. Luina tried everything to get him to notice her, from dropping by every day to leaving 'anonymous' gifts at his doorstep. By the time they were both young adults, Luina began to feel that he would never notice her.
         Despondent and frustrated, Luina turned to Naevae for help. Naevae was in a solid relationship with Carob, so she knew a thing or two about romance. Naevae came up with an elaborate scheme to lure Raban outside his den to a romantic spot in the moonlight, where Luina could confess her love to him. The two lionesses plotted with Slate just how they were going to pull off their plan.
         While the plan was good, the execution was... not how they were expecting it to work. Raban was indeed able to be lured up to the top of the plateau by the promise of a rare bird up near the pond. But when Luina attempted to leap over the pond to land next to him and proclaim her feelings, she judged the distance wrong and ended up belly-flopping into the pond. She scrambled out, shivering and shaking, and Raban tried so hard not to laugh for her dignity's sake. He agreed that it had been ridiculous, but she had his full attention now.
         Despite the hiccups, Luina did manage to tell Raban what she had originally intended to say. Raban admitted that he felt the same way, surprisingly, and the two began dating happily.


Luina isn't that concerned about cubs at the moment. She knows that they'll probably happen someday, given Raban's desire for little Rabans running around camp. But for now, she wants to keep her options open and enjoy her young adulthood while she can before being tethered down by cubs. She's explained her reasoning to Raban, and he's agreed, though Luina noticed that he was a little disappointed. She's made up her mind to have cubs sometime in the future Raban understands Luina's apprehension to tie herself to the nursery right away, and he's worked hard to make sure that they enjoy their free time as long as they can. On the days that they get off from work, they enjoy spending time exploring Summitfall territory and the mysteries that lay inside. Their most recent adventure featured them climbing around in the Roofed Forest, with Raban nearly getting his antlers stuck in the canopy.

Luina is surprisingly competitive for such a bubbly lion. She enjoys getting to wipe the smirks off of other lions' faces, especially when they've already stereotyped her as a pretty face with no brawn. Luina is especially good at sprinting, and years of working in the fields have toughened her up to injury. When she spars, it's not unusual that her opponent is surprised by her muscle. Luina could match an anaziti with her strength and fighting skills, taught to her by Tinder at the Sanctuary so long ago. She can run circles around the other fytos, and this has helped when there’s fire in the fields.
Luina believes that her friends need to be a little more loyal than she is. While her middle-ground stance enables her to make her own decisions, her pridemates are not too keen on her being willing to desert them at the drop of a hat. Her friends also need to share her outlook on life, and be optimistic no matter the circumstances. Of course, not many lions fit these very specific requirements, but Luina has found that Naevae in particular is friendly and chipper, like herself. The two lionesses now have a strong bond that keeps them together, no matter what choices Luina makes.
Luina isn't overly arrogant and self-confident. She condems those who deem themselves greater than others based on their own might alone. She may be going a little bit toward that end of the scale, but really, she's a good lioness at heart. She sees herself as beautiful, even when she's injured. Confidence is something that comes naturally to her; though she tries to insist that she doesn't need encouragement, she soaks it up anyway. She's not overly vain, but she doesn't condemn her body, either. She's happy just the way she is, and nothing anyone says is going to change that.
When Luina was little, she had a huge obsession with snakes. She absolutely adored Subira's snake tail, and would try to find all the snakes she could inside of camp. But the snake options soon became boring; Luina wanted to see more varieties than the little green ones that were as small as her forepaws put together. Luina began to sneak out at night to see just what snakes she could find. It wasn't easy at first, but each time she got out, it became easier. Soon she was going out almost every night. There was a treasure trove of snakes outside the camp walls, and Luina was so fascinated with them, she would follow them everywhere just to get a closer look at how they lived. One time, her curiousity ended up almost drowning her in the Lake of Unending Waters when she tried to follow a water snake. She stumbled home, freezing and sneezing. By the time she got there, the sun was just starting to rise, and she vowed that no one would ever know about her newfound fear of the water.


Luina has one expression that she often uses: snake tails. It's used in the place of 'darn' for her. The saying originated from when she was young. Subira often came to visit her in the nursery (or hospital, as it was) to complain about how disobedient and mischievous Luina was being. Even so, Subira let Luina play with the snake's rattle that was attached to the end of her tail. Luina ended up calling it a 'snakie tail,' and Subira still teases her about it to this day. As she grew older, Luina modified the expression to fit her maturing personality.

Missing out on a fun experience in the Roofed Forest because her amnesia might cause her to wander off without realizing it. Not being able to go to the Lake of Unending Waters for worry that she'll drown. Being unable to ever become an iskro, or hold a job other than fyto or aeoni. All of these things have caused Luina to cry in the past, and they still do now. Another thing that will drive her to tears is losing someone she's quite attached to. When she had been with Summitfall for a moon and was old enough to understand the concept of death, Ravah explained what had happened to her mother and brother. It had driven Luina into a funk for a whole week, and it was only thanks to Tinder that she had gotten out of it. Another time she cried was when she learned she could never be normal, thanks to her amnesia.
Luina considers herself much more of an extrovert than an introvert. She loves being around other lions and lionesses, and group activities are a ton of fun for her to participate in. She understands that introverts need alone time, but for her, give her an afternoon with her pridemates and she's happy.
If Luina could change anything about herself, she would change her brain so she wouldn't have amnesia anymore. It's such a huge barrier for her to do anything, and she just wishes with all her heart that she could be a normal lioness, like her pridemates. She and Carob really understand each other, them both being afflicted by conditions they can't control. They find peace in one another, and though their bond doesn't go anywhere near the romantic side of the spectrum, they share a close friendship where they feel like they've known the other their whole life. Luina's amnesia has stopped her from pursuing her dream profession of an iskro, and every other profession she might have wanted, way back when. She has the hopes that she might become a nychto one day, but she knows that's just wishful thinking. Now she’s pretty much on house arrest every single day.

The past

Luina feels quite close with her father, the one living member of her immediate family. She loves him dearly and tries to make him proud of her, even with her disabling amnesia. She doesn't feel that connected with her mother and dead brother, but she knows that she would have loved them, had they lived. As for her father's family, Luina loves her uncles and aunt! She enjoys working with Carob in the fields, and he's taught her everything she's needed to know about being a fyto. Umber has instructed her in the art of hunting, and Hera's taught her how to herd. But Luina feels connected the most to her grandparents and great grandparents. She loves visiting Yang and Kiona in their den; now that they're beginning to slow down some, she gets to spend more and more time with them. Sekhmet and Pebble, however, are still going strong, and they've been able to teach Luina a lot about life.
Luina has definitely changed in regards to maturity. Her experiences in Ikaika sobered her to the point where she became a bit of an old soul, though her bubbly personality stayed! While not everything in Ikaika was good, being there for a few months became one of the most defining experiences of her entire life. It led her to pursue the more peaceful career of a fyto, joining Carob in the fields where there's less of a chance for one to get hurt. Luina has grown into a gorgeous lioness, and though she didn't care much for love when she was a cub, now she's on the menu and thoroughly enjoys it. She and Carob have a tight bond as coworkers, but Luina knows that it won't go anywhere beyond friends. Carob is too far gone after Naevae to notice Luina. Another thing is that Luina had a tendency to wander around when she was younger; she's grown to be much more responsible now that she's an adult.
Luina's best memory is getting to explore Ikaika when she was just a little over two moons old. It was an incredible experience that she'll never forget. The root-cavern with crystals embedded into the wood that changed with the rising and setting of the sun. The plant-based food that looked disgusting but tasted amazing. The unusual inhabitants, with their bright colors and spikes, cracks, and all other sorts of features. Every bit of it was unique and wonderful. One of her favorite parts was meeting Kadiki; the older lioness has been like the mother she's never had ever since. Though she did get into a bit of mischief while she stayed there, Ikaika is overall a place that she'd visit again in a heartbeat.

P27: If this lion were to get attacked by a random rogue lion, how likely would they be to win the fight? What skills would help (or hurt) them? 150 word minimum
P31: How intelligent is this lion? Are they quick and clever? Slow to figure things out, but usually find the answer? Completely oblivious/unable to focus? If given a puzzle, how would they solve it? 150 word minimum

Luina is not a bully. She would never put others down for something they can't control, like her own amnesia. She thinks that lions who prey on the weak and innocent are vile creatures, and not to be reasoned with. However, her stance has sometimes led to her being bullied by said lions. She always stands up for herself and other lions getting bullied, and tries to put an end to the bullies' cruel ways. It doesn't always work, but Luina knows that it is worth it to defend the weak, even if it means she’s putting a target on her own back.
When Luina gets angry, she storms off to her den in a huff to process. Most of the time she's able to settle scores mentally and keep her feelings in check, but there are a few lions toward whom she holds grudges that she won't be able to forget in a hurry. It's not healthy for her to hold onto rage, but sometimes it's the only thing that keeps her from collapsing. Naevae often comes in and helps Luina to work through her emotions, and for that Luina is grateful. Rarely, Carob does the same, but it’s usually for different reasons.
She may be bubbly and chipper, but when you ask Luina to promise she'll do something, she keeps that promise no matter what it takes. Luina is hardcore when it comes to promise-keeping; she won't break a promise for everything in the world. It's one of her good qualities, and helps to balance out her disloyalty and other less-admirable traits. She may be a bit liberal with her promises, but she means well when she offers you a promise. It's her way of vowing that she'll do whatever it takes to complete the task you've assigned to her, no matter what it is.
P34: What does this lion daydream about? 100 word minimum


P32: What sort of possessions does this lion have? Do they keep anything in particular or just have their den/home and thats enough? What uses do these things serve? 150 word minimum


Ravah - Father - Alive

There's no doubt that Ravah loves Luina more than life itself. He values her and tries to devote time to her, even when there's not much extra. He doesn't want her to feel abandoned and unloved, and he does everything he can to be a good dad. Single parenting is hard, but there's no doubt that Ravah's pulled it off with Luina.

Tinder - Relationship - Alive

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Kadiki - Relationship - Deceased

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Subira - Relationship - Deceased

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AA - Relationship - Deceased

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BB - Relationship - Deceased

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CC - Relationship - Deceased

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DD - Relationship - Deceased

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