


4 years, 3 months ago



Name:  Vera  (Maiden name Greener)
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: 

Personality: Sweet and softspoken. Her kindness can sometimes make her naive and blind to those who want to use her generous nature to their own gain. 

More info:  She is very open minded and would be ready to help anyone who ends up on her doorsteps. Sometimes her kindness has led her to trouble when people have taken it for granted or used her for their own gain. Despite the few bad seeds in her life she continues to treat people fairly and with the respect she feels everyone deserves.
She works as a therapist and her specialty is taking care of clients who have gone through trauma of some kind. She helps them gradually feel better with her emotion control powers.  

She lives in a small apartment in a Lambda city. She likes to keep her house bright and open with as little clutter as possible. On her free time she likes to go hiking and care of her little garden she has set up on her balcony.


Husband: Cornelius
She met her husband Cornelius a little after alati nero festival when the taffy floss were discovered. They met at a juice bar in one of the malls near her work place and instantly hit it off. They both share a kind nature and like to help others. Sometimes Cornelius has trouble understanding the customs of the landfloss world, which can cause some embarrassing moments for the two, but she is patient with him and is always willing to help him out. The two want to have a kitten of their own one day.


  • Light hot chocolate and cookies
  • Big sweaters


  • Mean people


  • Her guilty pleasure is horror stories, especially the psychological once