Nora / Нора


Basic Info

Name / Имя

Nora | Нора

Species / Вид

Moth / Mотылек

Gender / Пол

Female / Женский

Pronouns / Местоимения

She / Her | Она / Её

Father / Отец

Gur / Гур

Mother / Мать

Selena / Селена

Sister / Сестра

Lina / Лина


She is the eldest daughter of the head of the village of Midomur. By the very birth, she has a peculiarity that she cannot fall into dreams. This feature is exclusively related to the eyes and else. Most others see her as infected, but she is not. She always carries a nail, which she owns well. She often wears a mask outside of the green trail so that she will not be noticed for her peculiarity. She can show the way to travelers who are lost in the green path.