00 Weed -trade-



4 years, 8 days ago

Basic Info

Original Price

raffle/giveaway, 2/3 arts




Owner: Dragonpuddle
Name: Weed                         Age: 9 years                Species: Granthrow
Gender: female                                                           Clan: Shahzadi Garrison
Sexuality: straight            
Status: Revati 

Birthdate: September 18, 2020
Upload Date: June 18, 2020

Personality: Weed is sweet, kind and caring for those around her. Not much actively bothers her and she doesn't seem to even hear insults or curses aimed her direction. Many around her think she's simple, but she simply has very little to say and no reason to react to insults when they're just words. Her firm belief is 'No one knows what happened yesterday to make today bad.' Weed refuses to let frustration affect those who have nothing to do with the reason she's upset. As a result, she generally deals with her own problems and doesn't often ask for help.

History: Weed adopted Saffurion when his dam continually left him alone with no minder. The reason was unknown and Weed didn't bother asking, just took the little big cub under her paw to teach him better manners than the bully he was starting to become. Her original pack was more cut-throat than usual and one by one, the pack hunters killed themselves off; either trying too hard to gain favor from their unmovable stone of an alpha, or failing and getting killed by him in retaliation. She left with her adopted son before they could be targeted as 'useless', hoping to find some place better.

Random facts: 
--Weed is not her real name, but she has never given her true name to anyone, not even her adopted son, Rion
--Weed actually doesn't know much about plants, despite her name. She gave herself the nickname to keep attention off her. If she was an unwanted weed, no one paid attention to her. It largely worked.

Stats: STR – 3 | RES – 5 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 5
Traits: Ears: R | Tail: R | Eyes: R | Fangs: UC | Size: C

Parents: adopt/raffle

Hecarim - adopted
Roach - from Bieran
DK01 - from Denkatsu

Original Value: raffle
+ personal art - £20 | $27
