
Eir'elin Lavellan
our Inquisitor

About Eirie

Before the Inquisition... Eir'elin grew up in Clan Lavellan and was always more on the rowdy and adventurous side. She took on duties as a scout once she was old enough and excelled at her job. Despite her aptitude she was constantly getting into trouble for sticking her nose into places it didn't belong. She was branded as the clan's black sheep by the time she got her vallaslin. To prove herself capable of behaving and executing clan business she was extended the offer of spying at the Divine's new conclave. 

To start Eir'elin was scared and shocked but ready to do something new and exciting as the Herald of Andraste (though she rolled her eyes every time she heard that name). She found herself close to Solas, an elven apostate helping with his knowledge of the veil and what lies beyond. Once she became the Inquisitor at Skyhold they became fully involved. The Inquisition progressed until they had sealed the sky and beaten back the threat. Around this time with permission Solas removed the vallaslin tattoo branding Eir'elin as Dalish. Then he left her. With the pressure of the Inquisition becoming too much for one person and her main outlet/support gone she began to struggle with socialization. Dorian and Bull convince her to start coming to the Herald's rest with them but over time this evolves into Eir'elin having the bottles sent directly to her room. This devolves into extreme alcoholism once the fight with Corypheus is fully resolved. With the help of Dorian (an alcoholic himself) and Cullen (recovering from lyrium addiction) she recovers and sobers up. By the time trespasser rolls around she is fully sober and though still somewhat struggling with the burden of the Inquistion, she is strong enough to continue as a fully functional Inquisitor. During trespasser she reconnects with Solas, learns his true identity, and loses her arm taking the anchor with it. Post trespasser she is determined to track down her lover and help him right the world without destroying it.

Name Eir'elin Lavellan
Gender Female she/her
Orientation bi
Occupation Herald of Andraste/Inquisitor
  • Loves Cole to bits
  • Not much of a Serious Leader TM
  • A sucker for animals (has like 50000000 mounts in the stable)
  • Prefers dual daggers to a bow
 I don't kill that many people.