


7 years, 5 months ago



"The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing."

Name: Cicely 
Gender: Female
Rules: None
Race/Species: Human (diamond)
Obtained: Self created
Marital status: Available 
Trade/sale status: NFT/S
Occupation: Diamond Heir
Total art: 15

Stories - World info - Other

Daughter of Rupert ,she was conceived in a one night stand with a diamond woman. The woman never told her father of her existence,but terribly fragile-as many of her kind were, she snapped under the pressure of raising a fatherless child and she left little Cicely on the doorstep of the diamond leader, Amith. Recognizing the child immediately as the spitting image of his younger brother, Amith could not turn her away and instead of dropping the responsibility of a child on his immature and unprepared brother, he chose to adopt the abandoned child as his own,of course with his partner Tam. She knows who her father is,and sees him frequently. However she is very intelligent, and knows it is better he not know of her. Being adopted himself, Amith saw it as a way to repay his own adoptive mothers kindness forward. Cicely is a quirky girl,but frighteningly smart. Able to comprehend situations flawlessly,develop plans,solve difficult puzzles. She has a great memory,her mind is like a steel trap. She is a bit unusual to some, as she has some strange habits. She refuses to wear shoes, and will be completely incompetent at her usual feats of intelligence due to the distracting addition thereof. She is also in love with her sweater,one of the only gifts she ever received from her father (even if he thought he was giving it to his niece) and she holds it as very dear to her. She will cry and become extremely anxious and distressed without it.

She is next in line heir to the diamond people since Amith and Tam may have no legitimate child, and she wears this honor with pride, studying as hard as she can to earn this role and make her adoptive father proud.











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✔ Reading
✔ Sweaters
✔ Puzzles
✔ Birds
✔ Quiet
✘ Losing things
✘ Not understanding something
✘ Loud noises
✘ Disrespect
✘ People doing stupid things
Positive Traits
• Witty and clever
• Resourceful and adaptable
• Gentle and loving
• But able to defend herself when needed.
Negative Traits
• Easily anxious
• Clumsy
• Compulsive, distressed if things are out of order.
• Quiet and keeps mostly to herself if possible.

A short,small girl with blonde hair and the blonde ears and tail of a dog. Her eyes are red. In youth her ears were pointed up but as she grew older they slowly flopped and now she has some difficulty getting them to stand straight up. She's a little overweight because she likes food a little too much. Always wears her sweater, glasses, and never shoes.Natural blue feathers sprout in her hair, eventually fall out,and grow again.

Cicely is mostly self-driven as a person to learn and adapt to her surroundings to the best of her abilities. She wants to make her fathers proud by being a good leader in the future and doing her best for her people. Her motivation is typically in bettering herself and making sure she's done what she can to make others happy.

✧ Can probably roast you
✧ A strategist with a huge amount of wisdom despite her age.
✧ Very assertive when she needs to be, will not hesitate to put people in their place who bother her.
✧ Extremely likely to outsmart anyone who dares get in her way,especially when she's in her comfort zone.
✧ She isn't a fighter, and she will very much panic when out of her comfort space and dissolve into an anxious puddle.
✧ Has a sweet tooth,but will generally eat anything.
✧ Softspoken, confident but doesn't speak up much. When she does- she means what she says and says things for a reason.
✧ Doesn't really exersize enough. Spends more time reading and learning than exersizing and shes a little out of shape.
✧ She has a small pet bird named cookie! She loves birds and likes making clothes for the little animal.
✧ Her sweater was brown when she was younger, but when she outgrew it she cut it shorter (To be a shirt) and dyed it a happy orange instead!
✧ She has small dog-like fangs
✧ She's extremely self conscious if she doesn't have her sweater for some reason or another. Her fathers can't figure out why.
✧ Her grandparents know who her real father is too, they give him glares every time he doesn't get it. In the end they figure its probably better she was raised by their diamond child and not...Rupert.
✧ She is pretty good friends with her aunt and uncle, Jeames and Amelinne, as they are about the same age (Cicely is a little older). They grew up together being taught by Amith.
✧ The diamonds find her rather cute and they often doubt her real ability to be leader, but she's exceptionally good at taking charge...when she wants to. Most of the time if she doesn't have to- she won't, though.
✧ Cookie likes bugging Amith by pecking him in the morning to wake him up or hopping across his paperwork. Has more than once jumped in ink and left little ink-bird footprints all over his notes.
✧ Cicely is still trying in vain to teach Cookie to talk but it doesn't seem interested.
✧ Cookie is quite protective of her and if it feels her being threatened it will angrily swoop at people's faces. Cicely doesn't mind, she just assumes they deserve it.



[ Adoptive father

Amith is her adoptive father,and the parent she's closest to since she isn't a night owl like her other father Tam. She grew up as Amith's most dedicated student, and she does her best to make him proud. She struggled through youth with fears of disappointing him and being abandoned again, but this fear faded as she grew older and she realized it wasn't likely. She adores spending time with him and helps him to teach others if she knows the subject well. Since she is next in line to be leader, she learns all leadership skills from him (And her grandmother), and strives to be like him as a good representative for the diamond people.



[ Adoptive father

Tam is Amith's partner and Cicely's other adoptive parent. However, he tends to the diamonds at night who stay up late, so he's rarely awake during the day. She has more fleeting interactions with him,but she still loves him too. She finds him funny and he's good at making her laugh. Whenever she's sad or upset a good hug and "It'll be okay" from Tam can usually make her feel better. She tries to be as calm and understanding as he is...though- she's at least part spade so her temper can get to her...



[ Real father

Rupert is Cicely's real father,but not the one who raised her. She was born when he was very young. He is-in fact,entirely oblivious to her existence...well, as far as she knew Her mother never told him, and though both Cicely and her adoptive parents know (and pretty much everyone else), Rupert seems to turn a total blind eye to his real daughter. Cicely doesn't really mind...she still gets to interact with him and when they do he does stupid things but he's pretty funny and they have a few things in common they've become friends over through the years. She cherishes the rare moments she can spend with her real father, despite his ignorance.

Later in his adulthood he comes forward to admit he knew she was his the entire time. He apologizes, shows her all he'd collected over the years- notes, gifts, and they form a real friendship as father and daughter. He still respects her being raised by Tam and Amith, and she still views them as her 'parents', but she was more than happy to accept her real father into her life as well. She understands his reasons and even if he's not there all the time- he's always there as soon as she asks for him and that means a lot to her. 



[ Pet ]

Cookie is her pet, a small bird who hides in her hair or scarf as she works. She found the little bird abandoned and decided to raise it. It likes to sing to her as she works and she likes to make clothes for the little bird. It doesn't seem to mind! It likes being warm. It can't say any words but it likes to tweet.
