Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Favorites Note: I do have dreamie/interested lists. All of these have been put in when I have seen them ufs/uft and I do try to make sure the person who owns them at that time doesn't have any public notices about dreamie lists. BUT if you now own one of those designs and would like them removed. I can happily move them into one of my other favorite folders (just to give appreciation to the design &/or what you are building with that design) and keep them out of my dreamies favorites!
Just send me a dm to let me know to do this and I am more than happy to oblige.

Many of my characters have dark themes intertwined with their stories. Writing these does not mean I condone them, nor do I encourage romanticization of these things. Many of the times these are included are meant to showcase the darkness humanity still has (sad as it is) and due to that the depraved nature of mankind. I also do believe in a SEPARATION of reality and fiction. Fiction can be used to represent reality, good and bad; but just because it is present in an author's work does not mean that they condone the fact it still exists or people actually go through with those sorts of act. Please respect this when perusing my profile.
ADDITIONALLY, some of these themes are outlets for my own experiences/trauma and ways for me to be therapeutic for my own sake so that I can properly cope and move forward.

Each character has their own warnings. If a character has SA in their warnings it will NOT be present explicitly/directly in their profile but pursuing their backstory or stories will expose you to it. If a character has CSA in their warning it will NOT be present in their profile at all. It also will NOT be heavily expanded upon nor explicitly written about (and never drawn period). These are lines which I personally do not cross.

If you have concerns about one of my characters or anything at all my DMs are open. I wish you all the best, and PLEASE always put yourself first. If viewing a topic could have repercussions on your mental health simply click away from the character. By clicking past any of my character warnings you acknowledge it is present and your own willingness to brave the content contained in the profiles.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Mentions of selfharm, selfharm scars, slurs, etc
Constant smoker/stoner, Atypical Hanahaki Disease, & more also apply.
Please take care of yourself first and foremost. Don't proceed if you aren't sure you can handle it. ♡

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No thanks!