


4 years, 2 months ago



And if Alduin's eternal,

Name Shadow'Star
Age 52 moons
Clan Skyclan
Gender Female
Sexuality Finromantic Ace
Pronouns She / Her
Role Leader
Species Alfiq Khajiit

Then eternity's done
  • scarred eye can open! -- it is more comfortable to keep it closed, however. despite that, though, shadow tends to keep her eye open.
  • LONG TUFTED EARS!! -required design feature"
  • longer than average tail.
  • long, lean, and athletic build with strong hind legs.
Reference Here

Shadow'Star is a brash, arrogant, and loud-mouthed she-cat who always plans to get her way. Although not clanborn, Shadow’Star has the ferocity and pride of any clan cat loyal to their home, however, she tends to neglect her roots, occasionally turning a solemn gaze to outsiders.

Shadow'Star holds back no blows, being willing to hit sensitive spots if she's really upset. She is harsh and serious, almost never letting her guard down, even amongst her clan mates. Surely she would seem weak if she did. She is self-serving, mostly, seeming to live a life of hedonism as she places her own pleasure and life over that of others.

In truth, Shadow'Star holds some deep rooted insecurities and worries. She knows nothing about presenting as anything other than the harsh, ruthless persona she always puts out. She struggles with vulnerability, believing that revealing her true thoughts would make others view her lesser. If they knew she wasn't so confident underneath it all, would they even listen to her? View her as Skyclan's leader?

Of course they wouldn't. So she refuses to let her warriors see any warmth in her eyes. This incapability of being vulnerable carries over to all of her relationships, struggling with intimacy and opening up.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

For his story is over,
Defining Moment

the death of shadow’star’s brother, vale, left an impact on her, although she doesn’t realise it. it is the reason her mother changed course to bring shadow’star to skyclan, rather than dawnclan.

Defining Moment

joining skyclan altered shadow’star’s personality greatly, allowing her to eventually form the one she has today.

Defining Moment

lark’star’s passing made a large shift in her life. her personality grew, her responsibility too. with her name change came a new cat.




  • Shadow'Star's voice claim is Ninggaung (English/Genshin Impact)
  • Shadow'Star is ambiamorous, meaning she has no preference to a monogamous or polyamorous relationship.
  • Shadow'Star was not originally given the prefix of Shadow, but rather Long, with Shadow being her suffix (Long'Shadow).
  • Shadow'Star notably has issues with intimacy (genuinely cares for her loved ones. She very rarely voices it, and chokes up when "I love you" comes up, but she tries her best nonetheless.)
  • Shadow'Star actually hates the annual Companions' Prey Hunt, due to the fact she has to sit out in the snow monitoring it.

And the dragons are gone
Aesthetic fire/darkness/dragons
Alignment true neutral
MBTI ???
Sin pride
Virtue courage

Designer miinty (warriors amino)
Obtained bought
Status nfs/t
Value $200+

trusted, adored

Extremely trusted and, quite honestly, adored. Shadow'Star considers Fawn'Star possibly her only friend.

hated, despised

A fellow leader, Shadow'Star hates Thrush'Star with a passion that has gained her infamousy in Riftclan.