Hualiama Telvanni



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value

£104? | $140.00 + $20 + $10 + $11 + $3 +$20







51 years old
Telvanni Bloodline

Random Facts

• He likes hiding behind human houses, spying on them. He finds watching humans and their clumsy ways amusing, but listening to their ways has taught him much of the way humans live.
• Li has four companion cats. Shayde (black Abyssinian) and River (Sphynx) have the special ability to speak with the granthera, but Moss (Tortoiseshell) and Briar (Norwegian Forest Cat) are simple felines.
• Recently, Li has acquired a gray lynx companion he named Tree. Tree likes to perch in, you guessed it, trees and watch everything beneath her.


Li was always a loner, avoiding the normal play activities of other cubs in his pride. He did not care to watch smaller cubs or learn to protect others, though he did learn dutifully everything he was taught. His parents did not understand him and after failing to explain how he felt (or didn't feel) multiple times, Li gave up trying. He never made friends because of his apathy despite having a few interests in common, but no play dates or mating interests.

Sunning himself on a rock one day, he was splashed by a young xanthera fishing. Instead of leaving to fish elsewhere when he asked, she offered to share her catch with him by way of apology. Li was surprised the female had enough to talk about that it didn't seem like small talk so when Auriga asked to stay with him, he felt benevolent enough to let her do what she would. As time passed, he grew to appreciate her dry wit and sense of honor, much like his own. Li began noticing, however, an odd shadow that tracked Auriga whenever she left his side and eventually confronted the smaller feline after she'd gone to bed. The confrontation turned into a fight when Li refused to back off from the near-threats, convinced if Auriga didn't want him, she'd have left to find someone else.

He was surprised to discover the male was indeed her uncle, but refused to surrender Auriga as if she were a prize to be kept instead of a female with her own mind, desires and wants. Li eventually 'persuaded' the male to leave with the pointed ends of his horns. Thankfully, that was the end of it and Auriga was grateful for his assistance.




Quiet • Cranky • Observant
Quiet, aloof and rather apathetic to those around him, Li has always been a loner. He believes he was born wrong, somehow and does not care about others. This has drastically distanced himself from his birth pride and eventually, Li just left to live on his own. Having to not fake caring for others proved to be a boon to the young cat and he was able to enjoy the solitude that came with the deep forest. Li is more interested in watching the animals around him and exploring the plant life and what it can do for him than how to help others.


Stats: STR – 8 | RES – 5 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 4
Traits: Ears: C | Tails: R | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: C | Horns: R | Wings: n/a
Mutation: Double Ears
Special Base: n/a


mated to Auriga and Hemlocke
Offspring: Zhaeed | out of Amarilas

