Zach White



3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Zachary White

NN: Zach, Zack

Age: middle-teenager (14-16 or so)

Gender: Intersex Male

Parents: Mom and Dad

Siblings: Philip [Wife Meagyn, daughter, daughter, son], Megan [cat], Damien [wife Shaina, baby, baby], Luke [wife Name, baby

Friends: Juni, Willow, Lanie, Lois, Keith

Perso: Tends to be a very shy, easily frightened lad.  After he makes some friends, he tends to be a little more outgoing and excited about the world.

Bio: The youngest of five siblings, and very much the baby.  His siblings are all moved out at this point, and it's just him and his parents in the house.  He has a rather hard time making friends, and is very shy about his looks, until he moves schools and makes some very loving friends who encourage him greatly.  Winds up dating Juni, and being besties with Keith.

Description: A tall, lanky albino boy with long white-blonde hair usually in braids.  Frequently uses mobility aids a bit later on in his story.