Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


TOS . Rules. Info


Page may contain sensitive content, some profiles may have darker themes and mentions of killing, etc.

◊All characters found in this Toyhouse belong to me, BleedingColorz ONLY. No one else may use, claim as their own, or steal these characters.

◊If I am the main owner of a Co-own, you have -0% permission to resell it or take offers without my permission. If you no longer want to Co-own just shoot me a message and we can work something out.

◊DO NOT color pick, make designs like or inspired by my characters. Please be respectful, these characters and their designs mean a lot to me and aren't just something for you to take. Any look-alikes or blatant rip-offs of my OCs/characters will be counted as theft and reported, thank you.

◊Do not use any of my characters art without my permission (unless you are the creator of the art, and you wish to use it as an example of your work, that is fine!).

◊DO NOT pester me if ___ character will be for sale. This especially applies to any characters in the sonas folder. I know I have 500+ characters but they mean a lot to me and I am super attached to most of them. The only exception is if I offer them to you first or have put them for sale before and keep missing your messages. Repeated offers on any in the personals folder will result in a block.

◊I don't mind dreamies on all characters ^^

◊If any character or art found in this Toyhouse is improperly credited, please shoot me a DM with the correct credit. I'd love to give all artists the credit for their work, but with so many characters it is hard to keep track!

◊If you see any character in this Toyhouse (minus co-owns) for sale under any other names OTHER then my official accounts then it is 110% a scam. If you are not sure shoot me a message! I DO NOT HAVE A FACEBOOK, TWITTER, SNAPCHAT, or AJ.  My accounts:
BleedingColorz - TH, SBA    
BleedingColorAdopts/Cosmic-Echo/Cosmic-Fang/WolvesDestinyBlood - DA
WolvesDestinyBlood - ChickenSmoothie


Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

I DO NOT support the creator in any way. I simply like this character's design and the way it's drawn, thank you. 

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No thanks!