Calamar (Cal) Frit.



3 years, 10 months ago



Name Calamar Frit
Called Cal
Age 28
Pronouns He/Him
Race Afro-French
Fish Type Giant Squid
Alignment Lawful Good




  • Camellia and Baby's breath flowers
  • Lattes & Floral Teas
  • Coarl Reefs
  • Nice Watches


  • Huge parties
  • Kombucha
  • Getting his hair done
  • Roses


Cal was the one of the surviving eggs from the batch of eggs his parents, Ika a giant squid and Dory a squid, had laid. His Father owned a flower shop on land while his mom had a job working at a dinner in the ocean. Both his parents were kindhearted- even with the huge loss of losing their children they managed to stay happy and carry the loss of their children. They often dote on baby Cal since he was the only one left. Until Ika stumbled upon a Jomerome (Jome) who was getting gang up on highschoolers. He intervened and started to take care of Jome. Adding him to the family as Cal’s younger brother. They lived in the ocean until Calamar’s father had contracted an incurable disease that didn’t allow him back into the ocean. Then due to the mental strain and physical strain it had him under, he took his own life. Dory then quit her job at dinner, moved to a land home and took over working at Ika’s flower shop. Cal and Jome were then switched to a land school after finishing middle school. Because of his fast growing rate, albinism and prejudice against merpeople he was often teased and bullied. He came off as large and scary so many avoided him. Jome needed special schooling so he was unable to come and help his brother. He also spent a lot of the time dealing with his own issues of bullying and constant fights from merpeople that would only follow their instinct. Cal struggled to open up after his father's death and His mother spent time taking care of the flower shop. He closed himself off to his family and endured the bullying and he started self harm. He had a run in with a lot of bad people and more bad experiences dealing with Juniors and Seniors. But after they graduated most went away, Cal was left in his solitude and finished high school. After he finished high school he didn’t pursue higher education and took over the flower shop with his mother and Jome. Both, after finishing high school, opened up about the burdens they decided to carry throughout their schooling. Both began healing and therapy while caring for the shop. Soon after, Dory due to old age, started to help the cafe from home leaving it in Jome and Calamar’s hands.


Cal was ostracized in school his whole school life for the way his skin was. At first giggles and stares then jokes and finally out right bullying constantly. He was dehumanized and even called a monster- jokes being made that he himself was the one who ate all his siblings and that's why they're all dead. It was more than he could handle so when a hand of a junior stuck up for him his freshmen year he thought he was safe. Sebastian was one of the ‘cool’ and ‘popular’ kids in his school. He took Cal under his wing, being nice and allowing him to hang with his friends. Going as far to say Cal was his little pet. Which is what he thought he was. He took him to parties and showed him off and convinced Cal they were dating and he only needed him. It was a manipulative and sexual relationship. Sebastian even goes as far to lend his pet to others. This carried on up until Sebastain left for college. One day leaving him without a word. Cal struggled with the sudden loneliness- even days he would ditch school so he didn't need to be alone. Fraternizing with some of the left over friends.

The Shop

The Shop was one of Cal’s Father, Ika, proudest achievements. Even when money was tight the shop was well taken care of and the flowers within. Bourgeons en Fleurs, was a name his father came up with, his family was mostly french and he proudly spoke the language and passed a little onto Cal. The Flower’s shop grew in popularity when Cal took over the shop. He was often met with either nervous interactions or people amazed by his looks. Uncomfortable at first he soon got used to the stares and whispers. Jome, diagnosed with haphephobia, mainly did the heavy lifting and work in the back to avoid people and more stares. The shop brought in many types and those who liked to take photos or simply relax in the store filled with flowers and soft lofi music. Which brought in many who just wanted photos and not flowers, then money started to dwindle. So as a strategic business move, they decided to start selling flower and herbal tea and turn the shop into a flower and tea shop. One day while the shop was busy a guy was having some issues with another customer. Cal, not a fan of violence in his shop, intercepted and got the rude customer away but freaked out the lil guy so much that he passed out. Cal, unsure what to do, brought him into the back portion of the shop and closed for the day. A little bit of an awkward conversion then some kind gestures Cal learned his name was Angel. Over some time of getting to know each other better Angel learned of the financial situation of the Shop. He offered to be a helping hand by working and cooking for the shop to help keep business afloat. Cal elated with the idea made the switch from a Teahouse/flower shop to a proper Cafe/flower shop. Jome not too long after wanting to give his brother some space and work in a calmer environment left the cafe. Leaving Cal and Angel to carry on with the Cafe Bourgeons en Fleurs!



JOME [ Adopted Brother ]

They grew up in the same household after Cal's parents adopted Jome. Only a year younger, In school they weren't keen on sharing each others suffering with bullying. Though for sometime this was an issue they overcame. Cal came up with the system that Jome still uses to help with his Haphephobia.


ANGEL [ Friend / Co-Worker ]

One of his closest friends and who he has known the longest. They have helped each other a lot personally and work well together in the cafe. Their chance meeting turied into a good relasionship that changed them both for the better. Cal wouldn't trade him for the world.


DOKU [ Friend / Ex Co-Worker ]

Doku used to often come and pester around to Angel and Cal at the Cafe with his, at the time, friend Terry. But after Finding he needed work and their hangout out spot was hiring- he applied. And shockly got hired. Getting to know Cal better he changed his tune and becoming a good friends.


ALEX [ Girlfriend ]

They first met on the beach of the city and Alex was enticed by Cal's albinoism. Alex would frequently turn up at the beach the cafe he worked at and she throw a flirt and was sweetly recived by Cal. After getting to know eachother more and more they started going steady.


JOSH [ Friend ]

He used to be one of the bullies in Cal's highschool. But to due some events he was removed from the school and they never saw one another again. Later on they met up again via mutal friends, Doku. Josh remembered and apologized for his action in high school. Not holding much a grudge he was forgiven. And through long talks and acts of kindness they were able to become freinds.

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